Fuel Recommendations
Bio-Diesel Fuels
In Europe and in the United States, as well as some other coun-
tries, non-mineral oil based fuel resources such as RME
(Rapeseed Methyl Ester) and SOME (Soybean Methyl Ester),
collectively known as FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters), are
being used as extenders for mineral oil derived diesel fuels.
YANMAR approves the use of bio-diesel fuels that do not
exceed a blend of 5% (by volume) of FAME with 95% (by vol-
ume) of approved mineral oil derived diesel fuel. Such bio-die-
sel fuels are known in the marketplace as B5 diesel fuels.
These B5 diesel fuels must meet certain requirements:
1. The bio-fuels must meet the minimum specifications for
the country in which they are used.
• In Europe, bio-diesel fuels must comply with the European
Standard EN14214.
• In the United States, bio-diesel fuels must comply with the
American Standard ASTMD-6751.2.
2. Bio-fuels should be purchased only from recognized and
authorized diesel fuel suppliers.
Precautions and concerns regarding the use of bio-fuels:
1. Free methanol in FAME may result in corrosion of alumi-
num and zinc FIE components.
2. Free water in FAME may result in plugging of fuel filters
and increased bacterial growth.
3. High viscosity at low temperatures may result in fuel
delivery problems, injection pump seizures and poor
injection nozzle spray atomization.
4. FAME may have adverse effects on some elastomers (seal
materials) and may result in fuel leakage and dilution of
the engine lubricating oil.
5. Even bio-diesel fuels that comply with a suitable standard
as delivered will require additional care and attention to
maintain the quality of the fuel in the equipment or other
fuel tanks. It is important to maintain a supply of clean,
fresh fuel. Regular flushing of the fuel system and/or fuel
storage containers may be necessary.
6. The use of bio-diesel fuels that do not comply with the
standards as agreed to by the diesel engine manufacturers
and the diesel fuel injection equipment manufacturers, or
bio-diesel fuels that have degraded as per the precautions
and concerns above, may affect the warranty coverage of
your engine.