9850064 R03 - 2021 650 / 850 Matryx Trail Performance / Crossover Snowmobile Service Manual
© Copyright Polaris Inc.
14. Install a new lock nut and torque to specification.
Shock Rod Lock Nut:
15 ft-lbs (20 N·m)
15. Remount the shock body assembly in the vise. Set
the clicker to full soft. Fill the shock body with new
shock oil until the reservoir is completely full.
16. Install a new wear band
and O-ring
onto the IFP.
Verify the bleed screw and O-ring are removed from
the IFP. Coat the IFP with shock oil.
17. Slowly Insert the IFP into the reservoir using the T-
handle tool. Allow as much air as possible to escape
as the IFP is installed.
18. Slowly stroke the IFP up and down to bleed air from
the shock. be sure to bottom-out the IFP in the
reservoir. Allow sufficient time for all air bubbles to
dissipate. Repeat this process until all air is removed.
19. Set the IFP to the required specification from the top
of the reservoir.
20. Remove the T-handle tool and install the O-ring and
bleed screw.