Adjustable Headlight
The headlight can be adjusted for vertical aim using the following
1. In a well-ventilated area, position the snowmobile on a level surface
with the headlight approximately 25 feet (7.6 m) from a wall.
2. Place the rider or the approximate weight of the rider on the seat or
tunnel floorboards.
3. Measure the distance from the floor to the center of the headlight
and make a mark on the wall at the same height.
4. Start the engine. Move the headlight switch to high beam.
5. Observe the headlight aim
on the wall. The most
intense part of the headlight
beam should be two inches
(5 cm) below the mark on
the wall.
6. If adjustment is necessary,
access the headlight adjuster
knob through the left side
panel. Turn the adjuster
knob clockwise to lower the
beam. Turn the adjuster
counter-clockwise to raise the beam.
2 in. (5 cm)
Lamp Center Height
25 ft. (7.6 m)