Item #:
54751 Product Name: Split Spinner
Approximate time to assemble: 20 minutes For outdoor use
©2018 Made in China exclusively for Plow & Hearth, Madison, VA 22727 plowandhearth.com 877-553-0369
Assembly Instructions
Step 1:
To assemble the Decorative Spinner, attach one side of the bearing housing (C) to the top of
one of the blade sections (D) using two screws (B). Attach a second blade section (D) under the other
side of the bearing housing (C) using two screws (B) to complete one half of the spinner. Repeat the
above steps to complete the second half of the spinner.
Step 2:
To assemble the Stake Pole, slide the Double Prong Stake (E) onto the Ground Stake (F).
Thread the Extension (G) onto the Ground Stake (F). Thread Extension (I) onto Extension (G). To
ensure pole sections remain securely connected, insert the two Screws (H) into the aligned holes
connecting (G) to (F) and (I) to (G).
Step 3:
Finally, slide one half of the spinner, with blade sections (D) facing up, on top of
Extension (I). Thread Extension (J) onto Extension (I). Slide the second half of the spinner, with
blade sections (D) facing down, onto Extension (J). Thread finial cap (A) onto Extension (J).
Step 4:
Install the spinner in a choice location. To install, push the three stakes into the ground,
softening with water if needed to make it easier to drive the stakes in. Use care not to over saturate
the ground.