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Setup and Operatin 

Service Manual

Revisiin GP-1.02-02.10

MotoGP™© Dorna Sports, S.L. 2015

MotoGP™ Game Software Copyright 2015 Play Mechanix™ Inc.

This siftare is based in part in the tirk if the Independent JPEG Griup.

This priduct includes siftare develiped by the OpenSSL Priject fir use in the OpenSSL Tiilkit. (


This priduct includes crypti/raphic siftare tritten by Eric Yiun/ ([email protected])

Содержание MotoGP

Страница 1: ...are Copyright 2015 Play Mechanix Inc This siftare is based in part in the tirk if the Independent JPEG Griup This priduct includes siftare develiped by the OpenSSL Priject fir use in the OpenSSL Tiilkit http ttt ipenssl ir This priduct includes crypti raphic siftare tritten by Eric Yiun eay cryptsif cio ...

Страница 2: ...uct Specifcatins 5 Setup 6 MitiGP Setup Wizard 11 Gaoe Nettirkin 13 Online Features 15 Maintenance 16 Dia nistc Menu Systeo 17 CiinUp 35 Triubleshiitn 38 Parts 41 Electrical Wirin 50 Cintact Infiroatin 53 Cipyri ht 2015 Play Mechanix Inc All ri hts reserved Pa e 2 ...

Страница 3: ...riundede three tire iutlet Di nit use a cheater plu ir cut if the riund pin in the line cird ELECTRICAL SHOCKS There is ni isilatin transfiroer in the cabinet Discinnect AC piter befire servicin Hitevere be atare that lethal vilta es can reoain in the electrinic ciopinents even then AC piter is discinnected Use extreoe cautin then servicin Verify that there is a tirkin riund cinnectin If the unit ...

Страница 4: ...n pictures ir playin certain videi aoes Peiple thi have nit had seizures oay stll have an undetected epileptc cinditin If anyine in yiur faoily has experienced epilepsy syoptios seizures ir liss if atareness e cinsult yiur physical befire usin videi aoes While children play videi aoese a parent shiuld ibserve Be alert ti the fillitin syoptios dizzinesse altered visiine eye ir ouscle ttitchin e inv...

Страница 5: ...32 ti 100 Fahrenheit 0 ti 38 Celsius Humidity Must nit exceed 95 relatve huoidity Assembled Cabinet Dimensions Wei ht Asseobled 700 lbs Hei ht 83 211co Width 43 109co Depth 83 211co Motorcycle Base Dimensions Hei ht 40 3 102co Width 35 4 90co Depth 68 3 173 5co Main Cabinet Dimensions Hei ht 72 5 185co Width 43 109co Depth 30 75 6co Pa e 5 MitiGP Gaoe Siftare cipyri ht 2015 PlayMechanix Inc All ri...

Страница 6: ...playin area 2 Ensure the oain cabinet is level and stable With at least one assistant adjust the leg levelers 3 Check the AC line cird fir visible si ns if daoa e Pay partiular atenton to the plug and line iord insulaton 4 Check fir shippin daoa e ti the fillitin Cabinet Marqueee Cabinet back diire Cabinet ciin diire Cabinet decalse Minitir Install Lower Dash Components 1 Licate dashbiard lefe ri ...

Страница 7: ...acfiro and the cabinet 4 Usin tti 10 32 tirx scretse tti 10 lick tasherse and tti 10 fat tasherse secure the bittio if the center vacfiro ti the oarquee rill 5 Secure the lef vacfiro ti the oiuntn piint in the tip if the oarqueee usin tti 10 32 tirx scretse tti 10 lick tasherse and tti 10 fat tashers Do not tghten fully 6 Secure the lef vacfiro ti the oarquee rille usin three 10 32 tirx scretse th...

Страница 8: ...Service Manual Table if Cintents Cipyri ht 2015 Play Mechanix Inc All ri hts reserved Pa e 8 ...

Страница 9: ...istante pisitin the tipper in tip if the cabinet 4 Cinnect and riute the piter cable frio the oain cabinet ti the tipper Be careful nit ti pinch the cable betteen the tipper and cabinet 5 Secure the tipper ti the cabinet usin three 20 x 1 25 taoper resistant tirx scretse three fat tasherse and three lick tashers Pa e 9 MitiGP Gaoe Siftare cipyri ht 2015 PlayMechanix Inc All ri hts reserved ...

Страница 10: ... fiur fat tasherse and fiur lick tashers 5 Ensure the oitircycle base is levele stablee and fush tith oain cabinet With at least one assistant adjust the leg levelers 6 Ti hten the 4 screts froly 7 Reoive the tti 3 8 16 x 2 shippin bilts frio the bike fraoe base There is a bilt in either side if the bike fraoe base These prevent the bike seat frio oivin durin shipoent For proper setup and game pla...

Страница 11: ... cird inti the AC iutlet 6 Replace the back diir 7 Turn the piter stitch ti ON 8 Verify that the ciilin fans in the cabinet are tirkin If not turn of A pooer and disionneit line iord Aontait Betson serviie 9 Check that ni ciopinent is excessively hit ir eoitn fiul idirs If so turn of A pooer and disionneit line iord Aontait Betson serviie 10 Once siftare liadse yiu till be asked ti setup the cabin...

Страница 12: ...i the prioary unit The attract oide if lical units till alsi try ti synchrinize ti the prioary unit Connectivity Wizard Cinf ure yiur aoe fir either inline ir lical cinnectvity Operator Registration 1 If cinnectn inlinee li in ti an existn iperatir acciunt ir create a net acciunt 2 Ti re ister as a net iperatire fillit the inscreen priopts Cabinet Registration If cinnectn inlinee select ir setup a...

Страница 13: ...rted 8 Enter the WATCHDOG TEST oenue thich re biits the aoe 9 Upin a successful re biite yiu are ready ti oake adjustoents ti pricin e viluoe and ither functins fiund in the Dia nistc Sectin Verify Cabinet Connectivity 1 If cinnectn inlinee enter the ONLINE oenu 2 Select CONNECTION DETAILS AND TEST and run a test cinnectin 3 If any if the tests result in FAILUREe cinsult triubleshiitn sectin ir yi...

Страница 14: ...f each cabinet 5 Turn in bith aoe cabinets 6 Enter Dia nistc Mide fir each aoe 7 Select djustments 8 Select Game Optons 9 Adjust Aabinet Link Number ti ive each aoe a unique nuober 10 In the Online oenue select Aonneiton Wizard 11 When prioptede select Loial and tait fir the pricess ti cioplete Local Network Setup 3 to 8 games 1 Acquire a nettirk hub tith eniu h pirts and the cirrect nuober if cab...

Страница 15: ... Cinnect each aoe s Ethernet cable ti the nettirk hub Aonsult netoork hub manual for any additonal ionsideratons speiifi to the hub 6 Cinnect the nettirk hub ti an external internet siurce 7 Turn in all aoe cabinets 8 Enter Dia nistc Mide fir each aoe 9 Select djustments 10 Select Game Optons 11 Adjust Aabinet Link Number ti ive each aoe a unique nuober 12 In the Online oenue select Aonneiton Wiza...

Страница 16: ...iunt ti oaintain their statse such as best race toese acriss all inline licatinse enciura in repeat play and persinal iopriveoent Online Game Management Easy Website Interface Online aoe oana eoent is as siople as britsin a tebsite Ciinup privides basic tiils fir iperatirs ti oinitir and oidify their aoes reoitely Earnings Reports Minitir yiu aoe earnin s reoitely usin Ciinup Collection Reports Ha...

Страница 17: ...l oinutes Check pri ress periidically Do not interrupt power or reset the game during recovery 5 At sioe piinte the aoe till eject Disi 1 and priopt yiu ti insert Disi 2 6 Stap discs and clise the tray Do not interrupt power or reset the game 7 When siftare has fnished liadin e a oessa e indicates that restire is cioplete 8 Reoive DVD restire disc and turn cabinet piter stitch ti OFF 9 Afer 30 sec...

Страница 18: An in screen oessa e acknitled es chan es ir then yiu exit a selectin tithiut oakin a chan e At the bittio if each screene there is a brief descriptin if the hi hli hted oenu iptin Navigating Diagnostic Menus Service Panel Stitch Keypad Efect Test enters dia nistc systeo ir select hi hli hted oenu iptin Service exit current oenu ir cancel Viluoe Up 8 oives up thriu h oenu ir setn chiices Viluoe...

Страница 19: ...riius dia nistc and oaintenance tests Utlites p 33 cintains tiils fir oana in aoe perfiroance Main Menu Adjustments ADJUSTMENTS Game Optons Online System Adjustments Player Cost Adjustments Sound Adjustments Alternatve Payment Adjustments Hardware Adjustments Coin Adjustments Yiu can ioprive earnin s by custioizin perfiroance tith aoe adjustoents Each variable in an adjustoent oenu chan es an aspe...

Страница 20: ...difcult Standard Standarde Easye Mediuoe Hard Track List Adjusts the list if tracks available ti the player By defaulte the available tracks till chan e each day Cycle Cyclee Lists 1 ti 5 Race Len th Adjust the avera e duratin fir races 2 oin 2 oin ir 3 oin Hide Girls Adjust the display if oidels Of On Of Anniuncer Adjust the use if an anniuncer durin races On On Of Lical Leaderbiards Ti le the di...

Страница 21: ...oidate slit nettirk trafc Of On Of DB Server Port Adjusts the pirts used ti cinnect ti the DB server Autioatc Autioatce 21e 80e 443e 7686 File Serve Port Adjusts the pirts used ti cinnect ti the File server Autioatc Autioatce 21e 80e 443e 8080e 8686 Main Menu Adjustments Player Cost Adjustments PLAYER COST ADJUSTMENTS Freeplay OFF Game Cost 1 00 Contnue Cost 1 00 Setting Descripton Default Choices...

Страница 22: ...fe Occasiinallye Frequentlye ir Altays Main Menu Adjustments Alternative Payment Adjustments ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT ADJUSTMENTS Coin Meter on Credit Card On Setting Descripton Default Choices Ciin Meter in Credit Card Pulse ciin oeter then credit card used ON ON OFF Main Menu Adjustments Hardware Adjustments HARDWARE ADJUSTMENTS Brake On Webcam On Air Blower On Setting Descripton Default Choices Brak...

Страница 23: ...ry values increoent 0 25 0 25 63 75 in 0 01 increoents Coin 1 Value Sets the ciin slit pricin 0 25 0 25 63 75 increoentn by ciin base unit setn Coin 2 Value Sets the ciin slit pricin 0 25 0 25 63 75 increoentn by ciin base unit setn DBV Pulse Value The bill validatir DBV translates bills inti electrinic pulses This setn deteroines hit ouch aoe credit is atarded per pulse With default setn if 0 25e...

Страница 24: ...its Coin Audits COIN AUDITS Total Money In 0 00 Coins in Lef Coin Slot 0 Money in Lef Coin Slot 0 00 Coins in Right Coin Slot 0 Money in Right Coin Slot 0 00 Number of DBV Pulses 0 Money in DBV 0 00 Service Switch Presses 0 Service Credit Money 0 00 Main Menu Audits System Audits SYSTEM AUDITS Watchdogs 0 Exceptons 0 Bad Traps 0 Maintenance Power Cycles 0 Maintenance Reboots 0 Total Up Time 0 days...

Страница 25: ...results CONNECTION DETAILS AND TEST Connecton Interface Wired Ethernet eth0 00 18 d3 f c2 dd Connecton IP Info 10 0 1 2 255 255 255 0 10 0 1 1 Server Info games playmechanix net 54 d7 72 92 80 File Server Info files playmechanix net d7 217 33 155 443 Test Results Server Ping 0 ms Success Database Ping 295 ms Success File Server Ping 840 ms Success Queued Messages 0 Last Successful DB Query 04 05 2...

Страница 26: ...stratine advertseoentse tiurnaoentse and ither inline features This synchrinizatin is alsi executed then the aoe is rebiited Use this iptin ti firce any chan es that have been oade via ciinup cio Main Menu Online Connection Wizard The Cinnectin Wizard is a step by step setup pricess fir selectn and cinf urin the aoe s internet cinnectin Main Menu Online Cabinet Location Registration This iptin dis...

Страница 27: ...ine actvity VIEW ONLINE PERMISSIONS Online ENABLED Registered ENABLED Full Connecton ENABLED Actve Connecton ENABLED Credit Cards ENABLED Main Menu Online Online Debug Server Details Displays server naoee IPe and pirt fir bith database and fle servers Main Menu Online Online Debug Certificate Details Displays the client s authirizatin certfcate Pa e 27 MitiGP Gaoe Siftare cipyri ht 2015 PlayMechan...

Страница 28: ...fir clearin if variius setn s and infiroatin Faitory Reset clears everythin and restires the oachine ti factiry defaults RESET Reset Credits Reset Coin Audits Reset Adjustments Reset High Scores Reset High Score Photos Reset Gameplay Audits Reset Hardware Monitoring Data Factory Reset Main Menu System Information SYSTEM INFORMATION System Details Hardware Monitoring View Game Log Cipyri ht 2015 Pl...

Страница 29: ...k 03 02 35 SDL 1 2 14 Sound Lib 1 2 11 RIO HW FFFC SW 0 14 Card Reader 1 d 3 Game Version 1 29 Main Menu Information Hardware Monitoring HARDWARE MONITORING System Uptme 0 days 00 hours 00 minutes IO Board Connecton Pass IO Board Disconnects 0 IO Board Last Disconnect Never Main Menu Information View Log This pa e displays any li ed events ir errirs that iccur durin the aoe Pa e 29 MitiGP Gaoe Sif...

Страница 30: ...enu Tests Input Tests Switch Tests This checks input stitch perfiroance By defaulte all stitches shiuld indicate inactve When a stitch is pressede it shiuld indicate actve and be hi hli hted in screen SWITCH TESTS Coin Slot 1 Inactve Numpad 1 Inactve Coin Slot 2 Inactve Numpad 2 Inactve Start Inactve Numpad 3 Inactve Vol Inactve Numpad 4 Inactve Vol Inactve Numpad 5 Inactve Test Inactve Numpad d I...

Страница 31: ...ree that card oi ht be tirn If results indicate failure acriss several cardse card reader oi ht be faulty CARD READER TEST Card Type Player Card Track 1 Data Success Track 2 Data Success Total of Swipes 0 of Successful Swipes 0 of Failed Swipes 0 Swipe Card At Any Time Main Menu Tests Input Tests Bike Input Test This oenu tests the steerin e thrittlee and brake oechanisos Main Menu Tests Video Tes...

Страница 32: ...lity pisitin Main Menu Tests File Test This tests the inte rity if the cintents if the hard drivee searchin fir cirrupt ir oissin aoe fles Daoa ed ir oissin fles re ister as failed and are listed The inly silutin ti this pribleo is ti restire the systeo frio the DVD ROMe as described in the Restire the Hard Drive sectin Main Menu Tests Coin Meter Test Press a start buttin ti increoent the ciin oet...

Страница 33: ... by selectn anither test ir exitn the oenu Main Menu Tests Watchdog Test This tests the Watchdi circuite thich pritects the aoe a ainst screen freezes infnite liips Afer a ciuntditne the aoe resets Ti exit befire the resete press either Start ir Viluoe buttine squeeze a tri er ir puop a un If the test succeedse the aoe resets niroally If the test failse the reset pricess liips ir ends abniroally S...

Страница 34: ...nce SVC Credit not included 0 00 CoinUp Service 0 00 Net Collecton 0 00 Operator Split 50 0 0 00 Locaton Split 50 0 0 00 Send Cillectins Messa e cintacts the server and delivers the latest cillectins infiroatin Operatir and licatin splits can be adjusted thriu h the CiinUp tebpa e Main Menu Utilities Collections View Credit Card Details VIEW CREDIT CARD DETAILS Attempted Credit Transactons 0 Succe...

Страница 35: VIEW COINUP FEE DETAILS Online Subscripton Service 0 0 days 0 00 Cell Modem Charge 0 0 days 0 00 Operatons Charge 0 0 days 0 00 Credit Card Fees 0 00 Total Coinup Service 0 00 Pa e 35 MitiGP Gaoe Siftare cipyri ht 2015 PlayMechanix Inc All ri hts reserved ...

Страница 36: ... Glen Ellyne IL 60137 uthorizaton oiiurs in just a feo days Login informaton oill be sent via email Unit Registration Durin the setup tizarde yiu till be priopted ti re ister the aoe This links the aoe ti the iperatir and tes it ti a specifc licatin Unit re istratin peroits oinitirin and oana eoent via ciinup cio Fillit the in screen priopt ti li in and add select a licatin ti cioplete re istratin...

Страница 37: ...e Connection 1 Enter Dia nistc oide by pressin the TEST service buttin 2 Select Online then select Cinnectin Details and Test 3 Execute Test Cinnectin ti verify It can ibtain a valid IP address It can cintact the CiinUp server It can access the CiinUp database It can access the CiinUp fle server 4 The test results sectin repirts SUCCESS ir FAILURE If any pin results in FAILUREe see the Triubleshii...

Страница 38: ...lectins Ti see theoe li in ti the CiinUp Operatir Center pa e at ttt ciinup cio and i ti the Repirts sectin 1 Durin a niroal cillectine enter Dia nistc oide select Utlites select Cillectin 2 Select Take Cillectin and Reviet the entre repirt The systeo calculates Griss Cillectin frio the last toe the repirt screen tas cleared This f ure and the actual cillectin shiuld a ree 3 Select DO COLLECTION t...

Страница 39: ...plu ed in priperly Reattach and ir t hten videi cable ti oinitir Reattach and ir t hten videi cable ti PC Faulty videi cable Replace videi cable PC nit turned in Turn PC piter stitch in Ni siund Bad Cinnectin Check cinnectin ti speakers Gaoe dies nit liad Hard drive test repirts bad ir oissin fles Gaoe fails ti fnish liadin Hard drive failure Reciver hard drive Afer resetn e aoe stll repirts an er...

Страница 40: ...n if afer Test Menu appears Dongle Not Present Din le oissin ir discinnected Find din le usb cinnectin and reseat in USB pirt Faulty USB pirt Cinnect din le ti anither USB pirt Aonneit I O Board ir I O Board Missing USB cable discinnected Check USB cinnectin frio PC ti I O biard Try cinnectn ti a diferent USB pirt Blitn fuse Verify 5V and 12V fuses are nit blitn Ni piter ti RIO biard Check fir pri...

Страница 41: ...lacin the riuter hub Gaoe cannit cinnect ti CiinUp server Ni IP address appears under Cinnectin Details and Test Ni briadband internet service Cintact a lical ISP ti setup either cable oideo ir DSL service Wrin riuter cinf uratin Cinf ure riuter fir DHCP Dynaoic Hist Cinf uratin Priticil Discinnected Ethernet cable Check that Ethernet cables are t htly cinnected at bith ends An audible click cinfr...

Страница 42: ...Service Manual Electrical Wirin Parts Main Cabinet Assembly Cipyri ht 2015 Play Mechanix Inc All ri hts reserved Pa e 42 ...

Страница 43: ... GP 42 Dash Miuntn Bracket 1 14 600 00891 01 Securin Nylin Strap Plate 4 15 600 01563 01 Miti GP 42 Dash Miunt 2 16 600 01560 01 Miti GP 42 Tie Kick Plate 2 17 600 01134 01 CLIP LED TMOLD 4 18 MG P Blind_Cinnect_Feoale Miti GP Blindoate Cinnect Feoale Asseobly 1 19 601 00580 01 PC Wiid Cleat 2 20 01 1842 MitiGP Header Harness Plate tith Griooet 1 21 603 00718 91 LED Toildin 91 2 22 600 01650 01 Mi...

Страница 44: ...Service Manual Electrical Wirin Motorcycle Assembly Cipyri ht 2015 Play Mechanix Inc All ri hts reserved Pa e 44 ...

Страница 45: ...8 01 Miti GP Bike Side perf 2 14 600 01565 01 Miti GP 42 Skirt Jiiner Frint 1 15 600 01566 01 Miti GP 42 Skirt Jiiner Back 1 16 600 01569 01 Miti GP Bike Side perf cilir difuser 2 17 606 01082 01 Miti GP Rat Eobleo 2 18 600 01679 01 Miti GP Greattall LED Clip 16 19 603 00752 01 Miti GP Spike Civer Ri ht 1 20 603 00753 01 Miti GP Spike Civer Lef 1 21 603 00754 01 Miti GP Rear Fender 1 22 603 00726 ...

Страница 46: ...ifere 8 Ohoe 30 Watts RMS 60 Watts Max 2 3 702 00032 00 Lar e Green Riund Buttin Start Nitrius 1 4 604 00040 01 Miti GP handle bar oech t Hard Grey Sni X Grips 50 0166 00 1 5 807 00010 01 3 5 inch speaker rille 2 6 600 01649 01 Miti GP Speedi Blackiut Plate 1 7 606 01105 01 Miti GP Speedi Blackiut Decal 1 8 Miti GP Keypad Assy Keypad Asseobly 1 Cipyri ht 2015 Play Mechanix Inc All ri hts reserved ...

Страница 47: oiuntn plate 1 3 606 01106 01_02_03_04 Miti GP Keypad Decal Rede Oran ee Bluee Green 1 Moto GP 42 Camera Assembly Ite o Part Ni Descriptin QTY 1 603 00764 01 Caoera Hiusin Miti GP 1 2 500 00185 01 Miti GP tebcao 1 3 99461A605 MMC 99461A605 Pan Head Phillips 18 8 Stainless steel 1 32 0 2 4 93701A408 8 32 1_2 Tirx taoper black 2 Moto GP 42 AC Switch Plate Assembly Ite o Part Ni Descriptin QTY 1 0...

Страница 48: ...soall 1 8 x3 8 W 2 L Black Fiao Tape 2 3 809 00004 01 42 LCD Minitir MT42W 267A 1 4 608 00156 02 42 Minitir Fraoe Asseobly Weldoent 1 5 606 01113 01 Miti GP Minitir Fraoe Caoera Decal 1 6 Caoera Hiuse Assy Miti GP Caoera Asseobly 1 7 LCD Fiao Tape 1 16 Tx3 4 Wx120 Tital Len th Black Fiao Tape 1 Cipyri ht 2015 Play Mechanix Inc All ri hts reserved Pa e 48 ...

Страница 49: ...P Marquee Vacfiro Center 1 4 603 00740 01 Miti GP Marquee Vacfiro Ri ht 1 5 500 00162 20 20co LED Strip White tith fiao tape 1 6 606 01017 01 Miti GP 42 Marquee Leader Transli ht 1 7 600 01588 01 Miti GP 42 Marquee Leader Plexi lass 1 8 10 32 Tirx lick fat 10 32 Tirx 10 lick tasher 10 fat tasher 12 Pa e 49 MitiGP Gaoe Siftare cipyri ht 2015 PlayMechanix Inc All ri hts reserved ...

Страница 50: ...rquee 254co thite LED tith fiao tape 1 4 606 01016 01 Miti GP Marquee Transli ht 1 5 600 01393 01 Miti GP Marquee Clear Lense 1 Moto GP 42 Rio Board Assembly Ite o Part Ni Descriptin QTY 1 600 01670 01 Miti GP Rii Miuntn Plate 1 2 500 00040 01 Rii biard 1 3 500 00194 01 5Ve 5A stitchin Re ulatir PCB 12v input 1 4 500 00075 01 Bliter Mitir PCB 1 Cipyri ht 2015 Play Mechanix Inc All ri hts reserved ...

Страница 51: ...P Dash Center Vacfiro 1 3 603 00724 01 Miti GP Dash Ri ht Vacfiro 1 4 603 00725 01 Miti GP Dash Lef Vacfiro 1 5 10 32 TORX Lick Flat 10 32 Tirx 10 Lick Washer 10 Flat Washer 4 6 Tirx 1 1_4 20 Tirx 1 1 4 inche lick and fat tasher 8 Electrical Wiring Pa e 51 MitiGP Gaoe Siftare cipyri ht 2015 PlayMechanix Inc All ri hts reserved ...

Страница 52: ...Service Manual Electrical Wirin Cipyri ht 2011 Play Mechanix Inc All ri hts reserved Pa e 52 ...

Страница 53: ...Pa e 53 MitiGP Gaoe Siftare cipyri ht 2015 PlayMechanix Inc All ri hts reserved ...

Страница 54: ...lese technical infiroatine tarranty ir repair Betsin can be reached at 800 524 2343 Fax 201 438 4837 ttt betsin cio CoinUp Service PlayMechanix ttt playoechanix cio 800 Riisevelt Riade Suite D 103 Glen Ellyne IL 60137 866 646 1975 fax 630 942 1073 Betson Enterprises Headuuarters 303 Patersin Plank Rd Carlstadte NJ 07072 800 524 2343 ir 201 438 1300 fax 201 438 4837 Cipyri ht 2011 Play Mechanix Inc...
