Local IP Address
Please enter the IP address of the local PC. If there is only one IP address
you want to assign, please fill IP address in these two spaces.
Local Port Range
Please input the range of local (source) port number that will be affected by
this rule. If you want to apply this rule on port 80 to 90, please input ’80-90’; if
you want to apply this rule on a single port, just input the port number, like
‘80’; if you want to apply this rule none assigned port, must input the port
number ‘1-65535’.
Remote IP Address
Please enter the IP address of the PC from remote site. If you don’t assign,
please let it blank.
Remote Port Range
Please input the range of local (source) port number that will be affected by
this rule. If you want to apply this rule on port 80 to 90, please input ’80-90’; if
you want to apply this rule on a single port, just input the port number, like
‘80’; if you want to apply this rule none assigned port, must input the port
number ‘1-65535’.
Traffic Type
Select the traffic type of the packets that this rule will apply to. We list some
popular applications here to ease the configuration. You also can get the
same result by using other parameters, for example source or destination
port number, if you are familiar with the application protocol.
Please select the protocol TCP or UDP in the list.
After configuration complete, please click “Save” to save the settings. Or you may press “Reset”
to clear
the settings to enter again.
5.6 NAT
Network Address Translation (NAT) allows multiple users at your local site to access the Internet via a
single legal IP Address. NAT provides Firewall protection from hacker attacks and has the flexibility to
allow you to map Private IP Addresses to Public IP Addresses for key services such as Websites and
FTP. If NAT is disabled, all LAN side workstations must have legal IP addresses for Internet access. If
the router is used for routing application, not for Internet access, the NAT function can be disabled.