Parameter Description
SIP Proxy Server IP address or Domain Name
Default : Null
Port number of SIP register Server
Server Port
Default : 5060
Port number of VIP-158
SIP Port
Default : 5060
This SIP account
SIP Name
Default : Null
User name of the SIP account to log into the SIP server
Default : Null
User password of the SIP account to log into the SIP server
Default : Null
Set the time re-registration
Register Expires
Default :
1800 second
Set the time of keeping the NAT alive
NAT Keep Alive
Default : 0 second
SIP Registration Server IP address or Domain Name
Default : Null
Set the STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT) function
STUN Enable
Default : Disable
STUN Server IP address
STUN Server
Default :
Show the registration status in Register Server
Register Status
Default : IDLE
Show the analog phone
Phone Status
Default : IDLE
Call Control Settings
User can adjust the items of the “Call Control” when in VoIP communication. And, basically system
will use the following default setting values if user does not want to change them.