64-Channel Windows-based Network Video Recorder with 8-bay Hard Disks
6.1.3 Instant Event Playback
Among these types of Event messages, you may individually watch the event playback of a
motion (video motion, DI or PIR) event or transmission status event (video recovery and loss,
or network recovery and loss). To bring up the instant event playback window, double-click on
an event entry:
As the window pops out, it will immediately start playing live view stream. You may draw the
time bar back and forth to search.
Click to play video,
to pause, or
to play live view video.
On time bar, click the blue mark or which indicates the event’s occurrence, and then
to play back this event.
Click to manually start recording the currently-playing video.
Click to take a snapshot of this view.
Click to switch to Playback screen.
Click on the top right of the window title to close.