PLANET NAS-7400 User Manual
assign services to those Folders according to your requirements. NAS-7400
provides file services for Windows, UNIX/Linux and Macintosh, so all of those
PCs can access the folders on the NAS-7400, even though each PC might
have a different file system.
7.6 RADI Volume Migration
Migration is the process of:
Changing the RAID level
Adding disk drives but keeping the same RAID level
In the migration process, the existing RAID Volume is called the Source. The
proposed RAID Volume is called the Target. Each target RAID Volume has
certain requirements and they are different for each RAID level. You must
meet all of the requirements in order to successfully migrate a RAID Volume.
In most cases, you must add one or more disk drives during the migration
process. You can never reduce the number of disk drives.
While the migration is running, you can still access the folders on your RAID
Volume and the data they contain.
The tables below shows the migration options for a source RAID Volume
according to its RAID level. The available target RAID levels are shown with
their requirements.
A RAID 0 source Volume can migrate to the following target RAID levels:
RAID 0 Add disk drives.
RAID 1 2 disk drives only.
Only a 1-drive RAID 0 can migrate to RAID 1. Add 1
disk drive.
RAID 5 3 disk drives minimum.
At least 1 more disk drives than the RAID 0 RAID