Gigabit Multi-Homing VPN Security Router User’s Manual
When any intranet IP connects with TCP443 port or any destination ( to 0 represents any destination),
it will go through the same WAN IP. As for which WAN will be selected, this follows the first- chosen WAN IP
distributed by the original session balance mechanism.
For example, there are two intranet IP- and When these intranet IPs first
connects with TCP443 port, will go through WAN1, and 192.168,100.2 will go through WAN2.
Afterwards, will go through WAN1 when there are TCP443 port connections.
will go through WAN2 when there are TCP443 port connections. This rule is by default. You can delete or add
rules to meet your connection requirement.
6.2.2 Network Detection Service
This is a detection system for network external services. If this option is selected, information
such “
” or
Retry Timeout
” will be displayed. If two WANs are used for external connection, be sure to activate the NSD
system, so as to avoid any unwanted break caused by the device misjudgment of the overload traffic for the
Select the WAN Port that enables Network Service Detection.
This selects the retry times for network service detection. The default is five
times. If there is no feedback from the Internet in the configured “Retry Times",
it will be judged as “External Connection Disconnected”.
Retry Timeout
Delay time for external connection detection latency. The default is 30 seconds.
After the retry timeout, external service detection will restart.
When Fail
(1) Generate the Error Condition in the System Log:
If an ISP connection
failure is detected, an error message will be recorded in the System Log. This
line will not be removed; therefore, the some of the users on this line will not
have normal connections.
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