PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
button. The IP will be move over to the Nodes to Block column. On the other hand, if
user wishes to undo the step, use the
button to move the IP back to the available list.
Add All
Remove All
button perform the same operation by moving every IPs in the
list. Finally, hit the
button to commit the change. (Note: asterisk in the list shows the IP is
a gateway node).
The blocked IP Address will be saved into the map setting file when the user saves the
topology map. Hence the IP will still be blocked when the current map profile reload in the
future. Lock / Unlock
This feature is intended to prevent the user from dragging the node away from its current
position accidentally. User can select
Map > Lock AP
from the menu bar or use the
button on the toolbar to lock up the nodes on the map.
PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
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