Full HD 20M IR Vari-Focal Dome IP Camera
Always Enable
Multicast streaming is always enabled or by request
To enable the multicast streaming, you shall make sure your Intranet does support
multicast function. Otherwise, your Intranet may fall into network storm seriously.
3.8.4 ROI
ROI means Region of Interest. Use this page to specify location of ROI windows. Only the
maximum resolution profiles can be defined as ROI. In this model, the default ROI windows are
profile 4 and 5.
3.8.5 AOI
AOI means Area of Interest. Use this page to specify location and size of AOI windows. Only the
profiles with H.264 codec and VBR rate control can support AOI function. It enables a non-uniform
distribution of the image quality between a selected region (the AOI) and the rest of the image