Returned Information: error
Output error message
Unrecognized command or illegal
The entered command does not exist, or there is
error in parameter scope, type or format.
Ambiguous command
At least two interpretations is possible basing on
the current input.
Invalid command or parameter
The command is recognized, but no valid
parameter record is found.
This command is not exist in
current mode
The command is recognized, but this command
can not be used under current mode.
Please configure precursor
command "*" at first!
The command is recognized, but the prerequisite
command has not been configured.
syntax error : missing '"' before the
end of command line!
Quotation marks are not used in pairs.
3.2.6 Fuzzy Match Support
Switch shell support fuzzy match in searching command and keyword. Shell will recognize commands or
keywords correctly if the entered string causes no conflict.
For example:
1) For command “show interfaces status ethernet1/1”, typing “sh in status ethernet1/1” will work.
2) However, for command “show running-config”, the system will report a “> Ambiguous command!”
error if only “show r” is entered, as Shell is unable to tell whether it is “show run” or “show
running-config”. Therefore, Shell will only recognize the command if “sh ru” is entered.