Step 3:
Entering switch CLI interface
Power on the switch, the following appears in the HyperTerminal windows, that is the CLI configuration mode
for Switch.
Testing RAM...
0x077C0000 RAM OK
Loading MiniBootROM...
Attaching to file system ...
Loading nos.img ... done.
Starting at 0x10000...
Attaching to file system ...
--- Performing Power-On Self Tests (POST) ---
DRAM Test....................PASS!
PCI Device 1 Test............PASS!
FLASH Test...................PASS!
FAN Test.....................PASS!
Done All Pass.
------------------ DONE ---------------------
Current time is SUN JAN 01 00:00:00 2006
The user can now enter commands to manage the switch. For a detailed description for the commands,
please refer to the following chapters.
3.1.2 In-band Management
In-band management refers to the management by login to the switch using Telnet, or using HTTP, or using
SNMP management software to configure the switch. In-band management enables management of the
switch for some devices attached to the switch. In the case when in-band management fails due to switch
configuration changes, out-of-band management can be used for configuring and managing the switch. Management via Telnet
To manage the switch with Telnet, the following conditions should be met:
1) Switch has an IPv4/IPv6 address configured;
2) The host IP address (Telnet client) and the switch’s VLAN interface IPv4/IPv6 address is in the same
network segment;
3) If 2) is not met, Telnet client can connect to an IPv4/IPv6 address of the switch via other devices,
such as a router.