Before ge ng started locate the best place to install the receiver, where to connect to power and the best
to install the antenna. The diagrams used in this instruc on sheet reference a 2019 Polaris® Turbo S.
It is important to note that your installa on may be different from what is pictured in the instruc ons.
It is recommended to disconnect all vehicle power before star ng the installa on.
Included in the kit are the following parts:
(1) SiriusXM Radio UTV Antenna
(1) Hardwired Power Adapter
(1) SXVD1 SiriusXM Receiver Dock
(1) AM / FM Antenna Adapter (for Ride Command® and other UTV sound systems)
(1) FMDA25 Direct Wire Audio Adapter
(1) Protec ve Zipper Case for the SiriusXM receiver
1) Selec ng the Correct Antenna Adapter
Included in the kit are two FAKRA antenna adapters that are used to connect the
to the Ride
Command® antenna system. For vehicles prior to 2020 use the blue colored adapter.
For vehicles manufactured in 2020 and newer use the cable with the black FAKRA connector.
Satellite Radio UTV Kit
Installa on Instruc ons
Blue for vehicles prior to 2020
Black for 2020 vehicles and newer
Universal antenna adapter cable
Please Note:
An addi onal installa on op on is via AUX cable. Locate the AUX port located on the dock.
Use an auxiliary cable to connect the dock to your sound system.
Pixel Technologies, Inc. | www.pixelsatradio.com | [email protected] | (800) 595