2-35. FILLING NOSE GEAR OLEO STRUT. To fill the nose gear oleo strut with hydraulic fluid (MIL-H-5606),
whether it be only the addition of a small amount or if the unit has been completely emptied and will require a
large amount, it should be filled as follows:
a. Raise the airplane on jacks until the nose wheel is completely clear of the ground.
b. Place a pan under the gear to catch spillage.
c. If not previously accomplished, remove the engine cowl and relieve air from the strut housing chamber by
removing the cap from the air valve and depressing the valve core.
d. There are two methods by which the strut chamber may be filled and these are as follows:
Method I:
1. Remove the valve core from the filler plug at the top of the strut housing. Allow the plug to remain
2. Attach one end of a clear plastic hose to the valve stem of the filler plug and submerge the other end in a
container of hydraulic fluid. Ascertain that the end of the hose on the valve stem is tight and the fluid container is
approximately equal in height to the top of the strut housing.
3. Fully compress and extend the strut thus drawing fluid from the fluid container and expelling air from
the strut chamber. By watching the fluid pass through the plastic hose, it can be determined when the strut is full
and no air is present in the chamber.
4. When air bubbles cease to flow through the hose, compress the strut fully and remove the hose from the
valve stem.
5. With the strut compressed, remove the filler plug to determine that the fluid level is visible up to the
bottom of the filler plug hole.
6. Reinstall the core in the filler plug and the plug in the top of the strut housing. Torque the plug from
350 to 400 inch-pounds.
Method 2:
1. Remove the filler plug from the top of the strut housing.
2. Raise the strut piston until it is fully compressed.
3. Pour fluid from a clean container through the filler opening until it reaches the bottom of the filler plug
4. Install the filler plug finger tight, and extend and compress the strut two or three times to remove any air
that may be trapped in the housing.
5. Remove the filler plug; raise the strut to full compression and fill with fluid if needed.
6. Reinstall the filler plug and torque from 350 to 400 inch-pounds.
e. With the airplane raised, compress and extend the gear strut several times to ascertain that the strut actuates
freely. The weight of the gear fork and wheel should extend the strut.
f. Clean off overflow of fluid, and inflate the strut as described in Paragraph 2-37.
g. Check that fluid is not leaking from around the strut piston at the bottom of the housing.
2-36. FILLING MAIN GEAR OLEO STRUT. To fill a main gear oleo strut with fluid that is partly full or one
that has been completely emptied, proceed as follows:
a. Raise the airplane on jacks until the landing gear torque link assembly has almost reached its full travel.
b. Place a pan under the gear to catch spillage.
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY 28, 1989