2-16. LOCKING AIRPLANE. The cabin door is provided with a key lock on the outside. The ignition switch
and cabin door require the same key
2-17. PARKING. When parking the airplane, ensure that it is sufficiently protected against adverse weather
conditions and presents no danger to other aircraft. When parking the airplane for any length of time or
overnight, it is recommended that it be moored as in Paragraph 2-15.
a. To park the airplane, head it into the wind, if possible.
b. Set the parking brake by pulling back the brake lever and depressing the knob attached to the left side of
the handle; then release the handle. To release the parking brake, pull back on the brake lever to disengage the
catch mechanism, and allow the handle to swing forward.
c. The aileron and stabilator may be locked by using the front seat belt.
— NOTE —
Care should be taken when setting brakes that are overheated or during cold weather when
accumulated moisture may freeze the brakes.
2-18. TOWING. The airplane may be moved by using the nose wheel steering bar that is stowed in the baggage
area or power equipment that will not damage or cause excess strain to the nose gear steering assembly. Towing
lugs are incorporated as part of the nose gear fork.
When towing with power equipment, do not turn the nose gear in either direction beyond its
steering radius limits as this will result in damage to the nose gear and steering mechanism.
Do not tow the airplane with control locks installed.
In the event towing lines are necessary, lines (rope) should be attached to both main gear struts as high up on
the tubes as possible. Lines should be long enough to clear the nose and/or tail by not less than 15 feet, and a
qualified person to ride in the pilot's seat to maintain control by use of the brakes.
2-19. TAXIING. Before attempting to taxi the airplane, ground personnel should be checked out by a qualified
pilot or other responsible person. Engine starting and shutdown procedures should be covered as well. When it
is ascertained that the propeller back blast and taxi areas are clear, apply power to start the taxi roll and perform
the following checks:
a. Taxi forward a few feet and apply brakes to determine their effectiveness.
b. While taxiing, make slight turns to determine the effectiveness of steering.
c. Observe wing clearances when taxiing near buildings or other stationary objects. If possible, station a
guide outside the airplane to observe.
d. When taxiing on uneven ground, avoid holes and ruts.
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY 28, 1989