Pioneer WTM-A4 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание WTM-A4

Страница 1: ... MænæhE Nlew JeEey O7O74 USA P CNæF E ECTFEn IC aA fEpE N V LuiÈhegæffeven 9 æ AnÈre p Elelgium PrcnfæEl B ETCTFEilICB AIETC ALIA FTY LlCt 17B 1æ E oundany F oed BFEæiJe VbÈcrie 31S A6E B Y Z MA Y I 9 8I MODELCT 6RCOMESIN SEVENVERSIONS DISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS This servicemanualis applicableto ûte KU type For servicing of the otrer types additionalservice manual o For the circuit mechanismdescript...

Страница 2: ...o 2 colordigitallevelmeter o 3 digit mechanical tapecounter o lC based logiccontrol o Cassette compartment illumination o INDEXSCANsystem Miscellaneous PowerRequirements AC120V 60H2 PowerConsumption 43U latts Dimensions 42O W x 99 5 H x 270 D mm 16 9 16 W x 3 15 16 H x 10 5 8 D in Weight withoutpackage 5 3kg 12 lb Furnished Parts C o n n e c t i o n c o r d w i t h p i n p l u g s 2 O p e r a t i ...

Страница 3: ...o left cif direction The direction of the tape travel is reversed evenin the Pausemode Recordingfunction switches Recordingoperationscan be perfor with the following symbolsare PAUSE The tape tra can be tem cording st switch againto the switches ring recording suspended re Depress this recording cluring fast NOTE The tape witt not stop when this swirchlis forward or rewind operations R E C RECMUTE...

Страница 4: ...ull the control switch assemblytoward you Panelstay Control suritch Indicatorassembly o assembly Level meter assembly Head Assembly Removal 1 Remove the stopper 2 Turn the head assembly clockwise FWD direction 3 Pull up the head assemblyand remove it Capstan Belt Removal 1 Remove the four screïi s and remove the capstan eontrol assembly 2 Remove the capstan belt from the capstan assembly assembly ...

Страница 5: ...rolafisr us ng fUtC lacts the Dolbynoisereductionsystem I lnsert the microphoneplugs L and R into thesejacks OOLSV NR B C typeselector i whenrecording with microphones Depress this to selecttype B or type c DolbyiNfrsystem pnorugsiack with the Dolby NR switchin the oN positiodl ilheindi lnsertthe plugof the stereoheadphones into thisjack catorB or C lights I I mooe setectors ooley NRoN oFFsvitch W...

Страница 6: ...Removal Removethe four screwsl IndicatorPanelRemoval 1 Pushthe two hooks of the panelstaywith the smallscrewdriver 2 Pull the indicator panel toward you and re moveit SubpanelR Removal 1 Pull off the INPLITknobs 2 Pustr the four hooks of the panel stay with smallscrewdriver 3 Pull the sub panel R toward you and remove it vitch Escutcheon Removal 1 Push the three hooks O of the escutcheon 2 Pull th...

Страница 7: ...Jel O P fc I o t 96 C a r 6 t c I E I o V tç r c I ...

Страница 8: 8l oç 1g1l3ssv lllslNvHc3lll t 9 rsll sluvd oNV S fIA olooldxf 9 t ll ...

Страница 9: ...ure to uâe prts of identico designotion c For your Parts Stoch Control the fast mot ing items are indicotedt u ith the marhs and GENERALLY MOVES FASTER ÎHAN This classification shall be adjusted by each distributor because lt dtpends on mod el number temperature humidity etc K n o b D R E C R A C 1 9 3 K n o b E R A C 19 4 K n o b I N P U TR RAA 361 RAA 362 K n o b M O D E T I M E R RAA 359 Sub pa...

Страница 10: ...pstan motor control assembly B BWX 488 Panel stay RNT OI7 Mechanism assembly RearPanel View Remote control socket RKP 222 Main chassis Terminal RKB o18 Mother assembly RWX 5O3 DOLBYNR assembly 1 1 RWX 499 DOLBY NR assembly 1p1 RWX 499 Amplif ier assembly RWF G 5 Jack æsembly RWX 498 Switch assembly RWS 139 Meter drive assembly RWX 500 Strain relief REC 376 I I ...

Страница 11: ...2 NO TT PTi T h sol det c F o t t Th n u XTERIOR o Parts Mark 7t 69 4 70 7oF 20 Jr l z o I r0 t l r3 2 li l 2 o ...

Страница 12: ...9d ry 56 65 a ...

Страница 13: ...assembly B Cord clamper Capstan molor coil æsembly Thrust receptacle Pinch return spring R Sub pinch arm R Pinch pressure spring R Eject lever Side frame R2 assembly Heat sink B Washer No PartNo 101 YE3OFUC 102 Y52SFBT 103 ATZ26P080FMC 104 VCZ30PO60FMC 105 BMZ30P060FMC 106 VCZ26P100FMC 107 YE25FUC 108 vcz26Pl40FMc 109 ATZ30P080FMC 110 YE2OFUC 111 WA21DO40DO25 t12 PMA26PO50FMC 113 8MZ26PO50FMC 114 ...

Страница 14: ... O59 36 RNL 262 37 RBA o74 38 RBH 853 33 RBH 844 40 RXB 556 Lock arm Lerærspring Eiect prevent lever Spring Cylinder O ring Piston Connector P C B Cord clamPer Side frame L2 assemblY Pinch pressure spring L Pinch roller arm æsemblY Sub pinch arm L Pinch return sPring L Cam follorrr lever Hook L Hook B Connection Plate Pinch plate Actuater Changp plate Reel motor drive assembly B Reel motor coil as...

Страница 15: ...r7l 8 o REMOTECONTROL Ass y I 7 PLi 8V 50mA CASSETTE HALFLAMP Q30r 320 25Â933Ltl q 25Â1O15 or zSAtt Nc n 2S 937or xrcrotS e 3 r 3 r l 3 r 6 2S0860or250313 o I ...

Страница 16: ...Y Asiy L RWX 499 Q601 IC602 VRæ1 VR VR6O4 ...

Страница 17: ...1 BOARDS éorrrruEcrtoN DIAGRAM A R E C P 8H T A D R C H t C H JACK Ass Y FIWX 498 swtTcH Ass y CONNECTOR ass Y AMP Ass Y RWF o95 5 c D 2 ...

Страница 18: ...T 1 t t t j ù i l c frz I c I 1 t l l at t6 I J I 1Â 1 I o L 6 J 1 A t T i I ïqa l o F F 9 s E À l l i r l l ç i l a l 1 6 t I I a G D À 1a o 3 o 7 l t I 1 iT illtll ll T rc or razarse2urDT_4ts 2za 3tïr r t l ll 1 P I l F I Ê t 1 é t l I t s N 7 4 L s r 2 2 a f o M 7 4 3E TEe rr il 1 1 fiA74L5122ot ÈD74tst22at i OSZgr t g S I l SN74LS 22 af oM74Lsr22 IC306 J l or lllbc J Lior jl ô I i io I ort 9 q...

Страница 19: ...nk Terminal LINE Pushswitch Bl Fuse 1 2A Fuse 2Al DOLBY NR asornbly ConnectorsocketassemblyC Amplifierassambly P C B holder Moterdrivt assmbly Sritch assembly i Y T RSB 030 RWX 498 RKN475 RTT 239 REC 355 RDGO22 RDG 030 REC 376 RKP 222 REC 369 vBz30P060FMC vBz30PO80FMC PBZ26POSOFNi PMZS PO6OFMC FBT4OPO6OFMC PMZ3OPO6OFZK vBz3nP060FZK VBZ4OPl2OFMC REC 378 80 REC 380 5 1 52 tt 53 54 55 6 7 8 9 10 A 1 ...

Страница 20: ...6 BLOGK DIAGRAM a I lssol 4P _f c VRAOI rltR l FLAT AA P I o l l T l r F oce l v W PB EO AMP I I ogtt I r c o c CONT MOC I ï 5 FWO ë __ _ c ...

Страница 21: ... 3 o fcry2 HAn2z6 u 2 HAr226 t2 21 rRaL i wrlc oor_eiian SwTICHES s l s30r MPt REC MUTE s302 s303 5304 s70r s70 s80 ofi oFF oN oFF TYPE g TYPÊC ON OFF TOR FWO REV J REC OFF PLAY Tm Li Mtc CAPSTAN MOÎOR ctRcutl REEL MOTOR CIRCUIT ...

Страница 22: ... R SUPPLY 9OI R C MUTE o2 REC 03 PLAY 04 PAUSE 1 6 F F 06 REY o7 STOP o orRæno1 tog s lP to tNDExscail ON 9EE oN oFF ofl oFF ON OFF ON OFF oa oFF of oFF ON OFF oN oFF ON OFF undalimd hdicola ltr rrildr Ddtliff 1 E ...

Страница 23: ...4 artslo l3r 2SCl74OLN o sc2634NC û z S C r A r 5 25C202 I r l j d a 5 ô Z A u n i q r E r r e A à r nd o n e orJ br Fr rhe thltore wnen ræ æiîq be tute ta tç Dailsot de r a ds qnù ts2475 0l u s t o 4 0 lc6 lo l v o D c q I 7 d ...

Страница 24: ...ctors are representative ones ônU Oner alternativesemiconductors maybe vn ed snd are listed in the Parts list INDICATOR A y DOLAY 4 y R 602 3 CAPSTAN COillROL4 y r 5 I I RAW t6i LEVÊL ME1ÊR Ar y METER DRIVE As y R X 5OO r r I ...

Страница 25: ... I N P U T S E L E C O R 59Oi REC MUTE 5902 REÇ Sæ3 PLAY 5904 PÂUSE æO5 FF 596 REw 5æ7 STOP 590A OrRÊcrloN 5 9 0 9 S X I P sglo tNæx scaN Th ùdeil ôd idcars rhe rrch ætnro ThÉ b th HE hharic dr4rrm tt rhe æruat crrof mây vâ y ou ro mp dm nts rn d6rs 2 JACK Ass v ll 2J RWX 4 i _____J q e5oi 5o4 o5o5 5ra zscl74oLN n 2SC224O o SC2O or 2 i815 d 2SC2634NC REMOTE CONTROL Ass y 6 r 2 a 7 5 ...

Страница 26: ...50i 6 a 512 re r iiOTHER Ai3 y 3 rJ RWX 5O3 O3Ol 2SÀ933LN or 2SArû5 d æc 25Â937 or 2SAll2 XC lC3Ol MB74LS 22 or HO74LS 22 d 74LSr22 d 0M74LSI22 âê o r 33l i o q t Éï r 1 ITCH A y RWS l4O E 2bg s 9ro 4 â h ff ffiw ff o t r 5 t 2 n 6 REEL MOTM ilffiN coNTrcL a6i mL À Jy ...

Страница 27: ...Q20r 0202 REEL MOT R COôITROL RWX 49i 1C201 Q204 Q205 B REELtvlOTOR DRIVEAsCY 6 t r a D 11 V R 2 O 1 Czr3 Q 2 O 1 2 S 4 9 3 4 Q2A2 250882 Ia2oz I é 4 I ffi czsc24s i iW 1 o J ooro 2sc1 73 R orl 5K C1o7 0 0l d F 10 12 ...

Страница 28: ...2 o FUNCTTON rtTCH Assl RWS 40 1 1 0 ...

Страница 29: ... t R E V iq l l E rHl ir rJ H l 0 r l 0 2 d r o r R c x o 1 o l0 Ë o Al A U T O I TÂPE O SELECTOR 1 1 à o ô l T ri I t l c q 1 P I l l o l h 5 I Joooczrt r è Cro2 0 027 2 L ir i Dril T â 1 1 I i g t ctz l I ô w I vRtc J ezx a ï I I 7 ri fi i c J c 2 5 ô é ...

Страница 30: ...6 5 4 METERDRIVE Assy RWX 500 6 ...

Страница 31: ...152473 USl0zro osol do4 0505 os141 Symbol Description ù Symbol 4 DFription r RKNO75 AmplifierAssembly CAPACITORS 5801 Jack assemblY RWF 095 Svmbol DoscriPtion r RSR O35 RTF 85 RTF 84 DOLBY NR Assembly CAPACITORS Mark Ptrt No cEA 100M16 c E A4 7 1 M1 0 c E A 1 0 1 M 1 6 cEA 010M50 CEAR47M50 CEARlOM50 CEA R3i M50 CEAR15M50 coMA 394K 50 coMA 104Ks0 coMA 473K50 coMA 183K50 coMA 153K50 coMA 472K50 coMA...

Страница 32: ...D603 0604 D607 D602 D605 D606 FSB 030 S701 S7O2 Botary sil ritchB IMODE TIMERI RCV 096 VBTOI Variablaraistor 1 nk A rNPUTl RemoteGontrcl Asembly M rt Prrt No Symbol Oocriptbn RKP 222 Remotecontrol rocket Function ritch Assembly RWS ltlO Mark Plrt No ùmbol Oùcraption RSG 63 RSG o88 RKP 351 s901 s902 s904 s909 s910 Function oaritcfi 5903 S905 S9OB Pushsuvitch CNSDI Connectorsocket asembly 12P1 OTHER...

Страница 33: ...2 Semi fixed 150k B BIASADJ VRæ5 Semi fixed 1 5k B OSCLEVEL ADJ R303 R307 R31 5 R343 R34s R3s9 R363 R367 R371 R372 R374 R376 R382 R395 R398 R400 R407 RrtOg R41 1 R421 R424 R427 R429 R432 R442 R444 R450 R425 8 resistors network l0k R426 9 resistors network 10k R 314 R360 R361 R373 Symbol Description SWITCHES AND COILS Mark Part No RSG 126 RTF O89 RTD 027 RTF O9O RTF 57 OTHERS Merk Pert No RKHOO5 RE...

Страница 34: ...SO3 CAPACITORS Mark P rt No Indicatorassembly B CN1102 Connectorsocket assembly 2p Mother assembly Jack assembly Amplifier assombly DOLBY NR assembly Meter Drirr assÊmbly Switch asæmbly Switch æsembly RemoÈ Control assembly Function S vitcfi æsembly Capstan Motor Control assembly B Reel Motor Controt a 6mbty g Reel Motor Drive assembly B ùmbol De cription rr A r A OTHERS iftrk Prit Io Symbol D sri...

Страница 35: ...9 PACKING I PartsList Mark No Pan No RDE OIO RHC 1 1 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 RHG 43S BHA 239 RHX 31 8BB 153 Packing casa Pad Sheet C Oporating Connaction Styrene paper I a ...

Страница 36: ...olvric c oærto 3 VOLTAGE oCvohas v ôt no InPUrsign3l 4 O T H Ê S Mistis hr Tl e A ma k roud oo sme comoonent p il ndicar6 the m oo Ë ol rh elerv lacror ol the pan Theretore d n rsle 4 b rè ro uF pôrrs ol iMical dai9dion M o T H E R Â y J l 6 l 1 2 t swrTcHÊs SIOI CASSEI E HALF OETECTOR 9 4 E HALF SiO ERAS PRE NT OEECTOR IFWO 9 E NO HOLE sro3 M REV ffCDR llq REv 56 ru10 TAPE SELEC æ NfiM ffi 516 au...

Страница 37: ...r D t i E c r t F o s r o J f Y D l i E V S L E C T O R o r S A t o t 5 _l M O T H E RA r t 1 7 t r r REEL MOTOR CONTROL A Y Rwx 491 t c 2 0 1 PA 2009 M O l H E R A r y l 3 1 6 l r t I I o z o r 2SCrr75 o205 2SC2458 o 20l 2S4934 lll i i r il I 4 5 6 CAPSTAN CONTROL Ass y vr20r raxE uP l0Ror tcæ Qn Q204 26 tatiue ones be used and 25A 2SC 2SA 2SC1 2SC 2SA1 2SC2 2SC1 ...

Страница 38: ...58 Typ No 2SC2673 Lot No h e B Âula r n 4 WI PA2010 PA2012 PM3001 H411226 TC4o66BP M8840668M HD140668 MB74LS122 HD74LS122 sN74LS122 DM74LS122 tR24æ AN6552 844558 NJM4558D M5218L 2SD313 25D880 2SC1 173 25D882 PA2007 PA2009 PA3010 TD62504P TD62507P tR2EO2 I I 7 ...

Страница 39: ...ODJ R D l 2 P S 1 R 8 J SEMICONDUCTORS Mark Part No PA2 X g PA2 lO 2S4934 2SA881 2SD882 pSC2497l 2 S D 1 1 8 9 R 2 0 1 R209 R203 Symbol rc201 tc202 o201 4202 o205 o204 RESISTORS Note When ordering resistors conuert the resistanceualue into code form and then rewrite the part no as before Mark Part No Symbol Description t tt SEMICONDUCTORS Mark Part No RCPOO9 RD1 4PM J RD I I2PS2R2J V R101 Semi f i...

Страница 40: ...ent Tools Required Testtape STD 331A STD 341A STD 6O8A STD 603 STD 604 Audio oscillator for general playback pur pose for playback adjustment NORMAL blank tape CrO blank tape METAL blank tape AC millivoltmeter AC mV Attenuator Oscilloscope Resistor50kS 1 4W LEVEL dB 0 20 Fig 12 1 Contentsof the testtapeSTD 341A 12 1 DOLBY NR ADJUSTMENT Step1 Setting Mode Record Pause InputSignal 700H2 10dBv from I...

Страница 41: 3 5 r 1 5g cm to the OUT set it at the FORWARD of frequencY beginning of FORWARD TOROUE RWARD and k tension on a is within 3 5 t to REVERSE ck tension on Capstanmotor control assemblY counter is 3005 t 10 Hz at tape rewinding Set the DIRECTION switc and a reading of frequencY REVERSE 3000 t 20 Hz at the beginn ter is within tape rewind rng Reel motor control assemblY VR2O1 Fig 11 7 TaPespeed 11...

Страница 42: ... and rotating baseis 1 5 mm Fig 1l 3 Azimuthpreadjustment 11 3TAPE TRANSPORT ADJUSTMENT 1 Load a mirror equippedcassette half 2 Setthe DIRECTIONswitchto FORWARDand thenthemodeto pLAy I 3 Adjust the adjust nut O so that no curling takes place on REC pB head guide and erase head guide asshown in Fig l1 4 Set the DIRECTION switch to REVERSE Adjust the adjust nut so that no curling occurs on REC pB he...

Страница 43: ...l l adÆl 3 No aN g7oo r tm bT9 cJJ s Eutsn zH tzJ z H r l z H e t t adr4 X NO êrN B nt 969 gag Euts1 Z H Z I 8 p t Z H L zH tzl 8pe 8 p 9 t 2 H 1 0 1 ap 8pt z H lI z g g g g i adî 1 g NO UN 1m 969 gag 3u1s2 Z H T Z Z H I I 1 O AN HlZ zHtte z H l l I I z H e g 1m969 qtrg Eulsp 8 p 9 ù r ZHçCT I i z H 1 I i l z H apù 8p9 8 p 9 t adîa fl No aN tgToo ttjlm Tg oJS Eulsn adÊ 1 j NO uN g7O v9o9 oJs 8ulsn...

Страница 44: ...ecojd freæl f 709 q1IS adel lsa Âlquasse raqlow aqlJo I08dJ ralaIII uI cv ulntr Iorluoc leÂarl IndNI procau apow ôulDaS rN3tNrsnrcv lNluunc 3unsvus g zL slBu rulraî mdJllo v80g cits nwg re 8p08 ztr 8 9 nug re 9p08 2H888 11ceq e14 p rocag pJocau suoI ecr rcads s1aotu acueuropad leqî aas ol Tcaqc pue 9 6I 31 1 ul suolleclJlcads aq1 uI Palsï sV x 0 s g aPl sl o t î uaa rîaq acuaraJJlp aqt tern os qcg...

Страница 45: ...8 13l6mvl I N P U l Procedure 1 Adjust the INPUT level control so that the AC mV meter reads 27dBv 6nV 2 Set the CT 6R to the FWD position and record and playback the input signals 333H2 and 6 3kHz onto the STD 608A Adjust the VR301 Lch and VR303 Rch so that the difference betweentwo is 1dBlà 5dB As listed in the specifications in Fig 12 5 and check to see that performance meets specifica tions Fr...

Страница 46: DOLBY NR OFF UsingSTD 604 with DOLBYNA ON type UsingSTD 604 with DOLBy NB ON C type Fig 12 5Frequencyresponse 12 8 RECORDING LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Setting Mode Record Record Playback Input Signal 333H2 l0dBv from INPUT 316mV Testtape STD 608A NORM STD 603 CrOz sTD 604 METAL AC mV meter TP601of the DOLBY NR assembly L TP601of theDOLBY NR assembly R r aoo f tJ lsrcæ l 3æHz l Bv l3l6mv 2kHz 63Hz 125H2 ...

Страница 47: ...Adjust the VR501 Lch and VR5l2 Rch of tft Âùp assembly so that the AC mV meter reads 1 2dBv S71mV Procedure PIay the 333H2 and 6 3kHz portions of the test t p ttt n that the difference between the two lïW t levelsdoesnot exceed 0 5dB12dB I AMP assembly VR5O2 Rchl P B leveladi DolbY NR assembtY Rch vRsoll Lch P B leveladi F s 12 4 AdiustmentPoints ...

Страница 48: ... so that the AC mV meter reads B2 6dBv 28 4 myl 2 Set the DOLBY NR switàh ON ana C type position 3 Adjust the VR60B so that the AC mV meter reads 21 6dBv gBmV Set the DIRECTION switch to REVERSE Adjust the adjust nut so that no curling gccurs on REC PB head guide and drrrnmy head guide Play a tape in both FORWARD and REVERSE directions and check that no curling on tape is found Fig l2 3 Tapetransp...

Страница 49: ...rpnc ou teqî os O 1nu lsnfpe eq1 lsntpy 8 Âv Id ol apolu aql uoql puB IUVI UO ol qcllÀls NOIJ CIUIC aql aS Z JIBq anossec paddmba rorqtu B peql I lNlldlsnlov luodsNvul 3dvl e zl 1ana1 1nd1no urnlulxulu Jo uoq rsod oql ol arcs qînurlz puaq eql t snlpv suorl ca4p asra al pIrB pJ 4 JoJ l 1oq q edel u Âe14 alnpocold rNSWrSnloV Hlnwlzv ovSH z ZL rru eg gpg Tz speer rateru uI OV aqt lutll os 809U aql ls...

Страница 50: ... ôcualoJpp eql lurll 4caq3 adu1 lsaleq Jo suorpod zlft1g g prre zpggg aq1 Âe14 eJnpecord 8pz 8p91 te el zHldg le el zHegt v nuUg gp6 T spuar ralaw tu CV aql 1uql os Âlquasse dWV aq Jo qcg AggU pu rIcT IO9U eq1 pntpy eJnpocord o slBurrrrel lndlno suorlrod zHrIg g prrB zHggg vT7g cIJ s ûrsu pue IllJ 4ceqÂe14 ralalu tu cv adel pa eporu 6ulUaS c3HC UlZt tVnO3 CV V td 9 ZL ...

Страница 51: ...eads 5 2dBv 549mV Set the test tape STD 603 and DOLBY NR switch to the ON position and record and playback the input signal onto the STD 603 Confirm that the AC mV meter 5 2dBvt 1 5d8 653mV 462mY Set the test tape STD 604 and DOLBY NR switch to the ON position and record and play back the input signal onto the STD 604 Confirm that the AC mV meter 5 2dBvt 1 5dB 653mV 462mV fi 3 4 Dolby NR assembly ...

Страница 52: ... slgnal from INPUT AC mV meter Record pause 333H2 10dBv 316mV TP601 of the DOLBY NR assemblyL TP601 of the DOLBY NR assemblyR Procedure Adjust the INPUT levelcontrol sothat the level meter reads0 VU Then checkthe AC mV meter reads 5 2dBvt2dB ...

Страница 53: ... aæassec Iuap aun ra8req3 T SONVE V lO INlltf3NlVUINlf l 30 l0v1c7u 8 zL runrur ru erîJos ap neo ru aI luBuuop uorlrsod q ms e 91 ep lnulz p sr BI raÉ U er u I suos ua îo lrrB B suas ue apuBq BI eJrrl elnp9co d a9 umtutxBl l zogu Togu IndJno JllBura4tB elîrosapsaurog orl u4lo Iillw zH lol a p a r g e d V I 7 g O I S I e s s a p a p u e g n g U e C h J a r n t c a 1 a p o n t r e6etuo1111 3r3r 30 I...

Страница 54: ...g0g O S a8rap IVruUON OPWB V8Og CIIS uollcnpordar e1 ap a8elâ ar al rnod VI g CIIS aP r9u98 uollcnpordan Bl mod VTSS CI 1S Iassa p apuBg I slnbar lesse p sl gno slueuad nb3 all Jluoc uo atpw Jnss JdO rns UN ÂSTOC rns Blntutuoc aI raceld 6 satel8ar xne rapaaord ap luulre srlnuru sanblanb luepuad U9 JC al luaurasslgam raJJneqc rass1erl IndJnO anros ap sauroq sal erlua ô 0g ep a llcrJ a8reqc aun repr...

Страница 55: ... bande étant dirigé dans le sens inverse Régler le commutateur DIRECTION sur FORWARD et le mode de fonctionnement sur PLAY Régler le VR101 de manière à ce que le fré quencemètreindique 3005t10H2 au début du rebobinage de la bande Régler le commutateur DIRECTION sur REVERSE Le fréquencemètre doit indiquer 3000 t 20Hz au début du rebobinage de la bande Moteur d entraînement du 6g5bn Moteur d entrain...

Страница 56: ...n est inférieir à 2b0 400 ïéte d effacement Fig 11 1 Réglage de lapression du galet_presseur 11 2pnÉnÉcucEDEL AZtMur 1 Régler le commutateur DIRECTfON sur FORWARD et la position de forr tiorrn murrt sur STOp lharSer une cassetteà miroir Régler le commutateur DIRECTION sur FOR_ I A tp er ta posftionde r lio ïurienr suï PLAY Régler le commutateur DIRECTION sur REVERSE FiS 1t g préréglage de l azimut...

Страница 57: ...v v 30 rN3 lt3NlvulN3 l 3 I 3CV10 U e ZL Iunlu rx3rrr elFos op n a ru eI luBuuop uorlrsod BI rns alg ap întulzB p sr Bl rapgg ar urB suos ua îa rrB suas ua apuBq BI erlrJ arnp9cord e9 urnlurxsw zogu Iogu IndIOO Jn uretp a l Î J o s a p s e r u o g a r u 4 l o I n t r ZH IOI a p a r g e d V I 7 g O S s s e p e p u e g n g U l e O û J a r n l c a T a p o n t r e6eguoy1 3 r 3 l InWtZV t 30 30V10JU Z ...

Страница 58: ...s ap sauroq sal arlua ô 09 ap a polJ aE reqc aun reprocceg I gpg Jns sa q luos arnsalu ep srnoc ua xn a Iu serl acusrruoJrad ap assrcq aun ranborrord lnad le EDaIroc seËe1Bar ap uorlesl1egr u1 raqcgdtua lnad arpJo lac ep uollec IJIpou aun acl Lras ap lanusur ac suBp gnblpu r erpro l suep sgnlcaJJa arlg lua lop sa8upg r sa1 a ul uou uotlslueullp p uolsuel e ceÀ a1orp ep la aqcnet ep xneuec sa1 rnod...

Страница 59: ...OUTfUll A Niveaude333H2 niveaude6 3kHz 0 5d8t2dB Procédure Lire les parties 333H2 et 6 3kHz de la bande d essai Vérifier que la différence entre les deux niveau r de sortie ne dépassepas 0 5d8 t2dB Lecture avant FïYD STD 3414 partiede 888H2 OdB TP601deI ensemble Dolby NB de gauche t TP601deI ensemble Dolby NB dedroite B 8odl IOUTPUTI o yp56 TP603 Ensemble AMP VR502 canal dedroite R l RégNaæ du niv...

Страница 60: ...égler le niveau d entrée INPUT de manière à ce que le millivoltmètre alternatif indique 27dBv 44 6mV 2 Placer le CT 6R en position de défilement avant FWD puis enregistrer et lire les signaux d entrée 333H2 et 6 3kHz sur STD 608A Régler VR301 canal de gauche L et VR303 canal de droite R de manière à ce que la différence entre les deux soit de 1dB 1l u an Comme indiqué dans les spécifications de la...

Страница 61: ... 333Hz 10dBv 316mV TP601 de I ensemble Dolby NR de gauche L TP601 de I ensemble Dolby NR de droite R 3æH l 8v 3166v o Proc durc Régter le niveau d entrée INPUT de manière à ce que I indicateur de niveau affiche 0 VU Con trôler alors que le millivoltmètre alternatif indique 5 2dBv t2dB lP6Ol 16 l ô tuô L P6Ol lcid ô ddi lRl ...

Страница 62: inversiôn REVERSE 4 Ajustar el tornillo del acimut empleando un destomillador d ecabezahorizontal como se muestra en la Fig 11 2 3 de modo que la distancia B entre el emplazamiento y la base de rotaciôn seade 1 5 mm Bæe de rotaciôn Cabeza da GRAB REPROD B Fig 11 3 Preaiuste delacimut 11 3 AJUSTE DEL TRANSPORTE DE LA CINTA 1 Insertarun caseteprovisto de espejo 2 Poner el selector de DIRECTION en...

Страница 63: ...on de STD 603 auec Dolby NR type C 12kHz Utili stion de STD 604 auec Dolby NR ENCLENCHE type C 63Hz 125H2333H2lkHz 12k z Fig 12 5Réponse en fréquence t 12 8 REGLAGE DU NIVEAUD ENREGISTRE MENT Montage Mode Signal d entrée àrNPUT Banded essai Millivoltmètre alternatif EntÉ lNPUTl Enregistrement Enregistrement lecture 333H2 10dBv 316mV STD 608A NORM STD 603 CrOz sTD 604 METAL TP601 de l ensemble Dolb...

Страница 64: ... L et VR604 canal de dloite R de manière à ce que le millivoltmètre alternatif indique 5 2dBv 549mV 3 Installer la bande d essai STD 603 et placer le commutateur Dolby NR sur la position ON enclenché puis enregistrer et lire le signal d entrée zur STD 603 Vérifier que le milli voltmètre altematif indique 5 2dBv t1 5dB 653mV à 462mV 4 Installer la bande d essai STD 604 et placer le commutateur Dolb...

Страница 65: ...dentro del margen de 3005 t 10Hz al principo del rebobinado de la cinta Poner el selectorde DIRECTION en la posiciôn REVERSE y hacer para que la indicaciôn del frecuencfmetro esté dentro del margen de 3000 t 20Hz aJ principo del rebobinado de la cinta Coniunto de control del motor del eie de arrastre Conjunto de control del motor del carrete Fig 11 7 Ajuste de la velocidadde la cinta 11 7 COMPROBA...

Страница 66: ...oPôsito de reporoducciôn general 12 1 AJUSTEDE DOLBYNR Paso1 Ajuste Modo Seflal de entrada desdeINPUT Voltfmetro deCAl escalade mV Voltfmetro de CA2 escalade mV Grabaciôn pausa 7OOHz 10dBv 316 mV TP601 del conjunto DOLBY NR canalesizq y der TP602 del conjunto DOLBY NR canalesizq y der I 6 I 7æHr lOdA t3rhvl 7 8 2 3 4 D 6 STD 3414 STD 6084 STD 603 STD 604 para eI ajuste de reproducciôn cinta NORMAL...

Страница 67: ...N en la posiciôn de inversiôn REVERSE 4 Ajustar el tornillo del acimut empleando un destornillador de cabezahorizontal como se muestra en la Fig LL z g de modo que la distancia B entre el emplazamiento y la base de rotaciôn seade 1 5 mm Bæe de rotaciôn Cabeza de GRAB REPROD B Emplazamiento nevl rwo o 6 Fig 1t 3 Preajuste del acimut 11 3 AJUSTE DEL TRANSPORTE DE LA CINTA 1 Insertarun caseteprovisto...

Страница 68: ... Pause 333Hz 10dBv 316mv TP601 de I ensemble Dolby NR de gauche L TP601 de l ensemble Dolby NR de droite R Procédure Ré er le niveau d entrée INPUT de manière à ce ue I indicateur de niveau affiche 0 VU Con trôler alors que le millivoltmètre altematif indique 5 2dBvt2dB TÊ60l lr l ô fluch Lll TP6OI cr lô drdt lRll ...

Страница 69: ...ducciôn 333H2 30dBv 31 6mV 6 3kHz 30dBv 31 6mV sTD 608A Terminales OUTPUT Procedimiento 1 Ajustar el conhol de nivel de entradade modo que el voltfmetro de CA indique 27dBv 44 6 tf dB Como indica en lasespecificaciones de la figura 12 5 comprobar que el rendimiento satisfaga dichasespecificaciones Respuesta enfrecuencia Utitizando ta STD ïIA con el intenvptor NR en la poaiciôn OFF El eanal izqubrd...

Страница 70: ...o ls S D 6O3 con eI interruptor DOLBY NR en la posiciôn ON tipo B b3llz 125H2 333H2 119 12kHz Utilizando la STD 6O con el intenaptor DOLBY NR en la poeiciôn ON tipo C Utilizando la STD 6O4 con el interruptor NR en la pociciôn ON tipo C c Voltfmetro deCA escala demV 63Hz 125H2 333H2 tkh 12kHz Fig 12 5Respuesta enfrecuencia 12 8 AJUSTEDEL NIVEL DE GRABACTÔN Aius Modo Grabaciôn Grabaciôn reproducciôn...

Страница 71: ...arud ap 1wc BI ugracnpordar ua reuod u ap upcsa vc ep o4aur to eqarud ap BlurC ï l I À 9 u9l3cnpordar ap le lu lep afgnlv olue u pecojd gp gP O zHIt 9 zHetÊ aP le N V JlndJlno sa uTrrrreI z6tl9 g Âzgeeg saugrarsod VT g CIJS su f Ctf f uorccnpo rdag opontr elsnfy N O I C C n O O U d t H l O uoovzrlvnct ltd NotcvSoudtNoc ï z L ut f fg gpZ I enbtpur VC ap o4arultloA Ia anb opour ap dI trV 1ep oltmfuo...

Страница 72: ...esuc un mgosul VINIC v1 30 3IUOdSNVUI I3 l lrsnlv e zl sPIIBs aP la u rolleur Ia erzarJo anb uglctsod e1 elseq ezaqec 3I ap lnunzs lap ofiFuoî 1a repnfy oruolal  epl ep sauolccanp qure ua uglccnporda r ua slurc eun Jauod vz38vc v l 30 lnwlzv 130 3ISnlV Z ZJ nur ap upcsa t Jt3J oporu ep gggg 1e re1snfi7 8 3 uglctsod ul ua  NO uglc uN À910c ap g olunfuoc IeP T09dI uN À8 IOC ap 1 olunfuoc lap I09dI...

Страница 73: ...inta de prueba STD 603 y el inter nrptor DOLBY NR en la poeiciôn ON y el grabar y reproducit sef ales de entrada en la STD603 Confrrmar que el voltfmetro de CA indique 5 2dBv t 1 5d8 653 mV a 462 mV Poner la cinta de prueba STD 604 y el inter mptor DOLBY NR en la posiciôn ON y grabar y reproducir sefralesde entrada en la STD604 Confirmar que el voltfmeho de CA indique 5 2dBvt 1 5d8 653 mV a 462 mV...
