Страница 1: ...a t o SYNTHESIZED STEREORECEIVER sx 7cIcIL rrroNEER ...
Страница 2: ... r t l J ...
Страница 3: ...NG 7 ADJUSTMENTS 3 4 6 7 11 12 13 8 P C BOARDSCONNECTION DIAGRAM 16 9 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 19 10 ELECTRICALPARTSLIST 21 11 PACKING 23 12 EXPLODED VIEW 24 13 SUPPLEMENTS FOR HB TYPE 26 LineVoltageSelection Linevoltage canbechanged with followingsteps 1 Disconnect the AC powercord 2 Remove thebonnetcase 3 Takeout the fusefrom the fuseassembly 4 Re install the fuse in the correct voltageindication 5 Sti...
Страница 4: ... B f STEREO 72dB at75dBfl S 7OOL Signal to Noise Ratio DlN M O N O 7 5 d B a t 6 0 d B f STEREO 60dB arTsdBf Distortion at65dBf M O N O l k H z 0 5 S T E R E O l k H z 0 3 C a p t u r e R a t i o 2 S d g AlrernateChannelSelectivity 400kHz S0d8 StereoSeparation lkHz 45dB Frequency Response 30Hzto l5kHzr0 bdB S p u r i o u s R e s p o n s e R a t i o 7 0 d 8 lmageResponse Ratio 45dB l F R e s p o n ...
Страница 5: ...MUI NG ON OFF _ r I l To TUNTNG VoLTAG 2 I GE ERATToN crRcurT J I REC R TAPE L PLAY R LE EL DIAGRAM TO POWERAMP TO EO AMP SPEAK R RL ao t1 9V 8 4 a L AM TUNER Iru 3 Lrlf i p gc T ss oJ leBf r JÉf lJ lEI Ll i sz C F IF AMP IF AMP TUNING VOLTAGE GENERATION CIRCUIÎ t v 83 Q5 8qeU oræ 3r GaGS MAxuaL rN F iuilE eb È6È eYsi ai eq s az sr v oul VoLTAOE SYNTHESTZER LSr rLC72O7r MUrE 8uc MEMO CHr CH2 CH3 C...
Страница 6: ...ased and an FM broadcast tuned in the muting circuit is activatedinsideto suppress the annoVinginterstationnoise between the broadcasting frequencies for noise free reception Whenthe broadcast ing stationis far away or when receiving a stationin a fringe area set th switchto the OFF positionandthen tune in lf there is a broadcasting stationwith a strong signatteueton the air next to a stationwhose...
Страница 7: ...on D AL POTNTER Thispointerindicates the broadcasting stations pReser swtrcHEs Depress these switches when calling out preset broad_ casting stations and when presettingthese stations When one of the switches is depressed it lights and it remains lightedduring call out One switch can be used to presetone FM station and one LW or MW station To call out the presetstation first set the function selec...
Страница 8: ...enable 4 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 4 1 TUNERCIRCUIT The tuner section of the SX 700L features an electronic tuning system where the conventional tuning capacitor has been replaced by variable capacitance diodes vari caps In addition to manual tuning it is also possible to preset 7 FM stations and 7 AM stations including MW and LW stations FM Tuner The front end consistsof a J FET RF amplifier single st...
Страница 9: ...ound connected muting gate transistor connected to the tuner section output circuit to mute out these unwanted noises NOTE The muting circuit employed in muting the inter station noise during FM tuning k incorporated in the TA7303 IC and is turned on and off by the FM MUTING switch 1 0 PresetFrequencyDisplay Meter Since the tuning frequencies selected during preset tuning mode are set irrespective...
Страница 10: ...nting up and the ladder resistor output voltage being increased ti tfre ladder resistoi output voltage is higher than ihe tuning voltage a low level input is applied to pi fg rËsulting in the 10 bit up down counter counting down and the ladder resistor output vottæe Ueing decreased In this way the up down orrrrl 10 bit code is immediately approximated h tuning voltage manual tuning and then freque...
Страница 11: ...de rrtiirrg in the appearance of anindicatoroutputsignal o VDD pin 2t TheLSI powersupplyterminal o MUTE pin 22 This is the muting control signaloutput terminal where a high level output signal app u s during presettuning and band switching operations o F Tune pin 28 o Vref pin 24 Reference voltage o 810 81 pin 2b pin 84 The 10 bit up down counter output terminals R 2R LADDER RESISÎOR 1 0 8 I T U P...
Страница 12: ...8 relief AEC 327 A Ac socket AKP026 AC power cord ADG O41 Terminal SPEAKERS AKE O48 EO AMP assembly GWF 133 Tuner AF assembly GWM 165 5 PARTS LOCATION FrontPanelView Pushknob MEMORY AAD 299 AAD 2OO Knob AAB 244 Front View with PanelRemoved lndicator assembly GWX sO1 Signal meter AAW I26 I r Lever switch POWER ASK 522 Phonejack PHONES AKN O29 Variableresistor BASS TBEBLE ACT 129 RearPanel View Bar ...
Страница 13: ...E o Windthe cordaroundthe tuningshaft3 times Windthecord2 112 turnaround thetuningdrum Tie it to thespring sothat it istensioned Turn the tuning shaft clockwiseasfar asit will go D Align the dial pointer with the ending point of the dial scale D Pass the cord over it Finallyapplythe lockingpaint to the knot of the cordand the dial pointerconnection 6 DIAL CORD STRINGING a ...
Страница 14: ...42 and ground 2 FM no input V8201 c Obtain a reading of DCGV within t50mV between terminal no 42 and ground Step FM SG 400H2 t75kHz DEV I Position of dial pointor djustment point Adiustment method Frequency Level 1 106MHz 106d8 1O6MHz cT403 Obtain maximum deflection of the signal meter 2 T402 Obtain maximum demodulated output at TAPE REC terminal 3 106MHz 20dB 106MHz cT403 4 cT401 5 cr402 6 T401 7...
Страница 15: ...8 P C BOARD CONNECTIONDIAGRAM EQAMPAss y GWF 133 SWITCH Ass y GWX 500 n D Dj vwi r _ _ 1 ilr r n LLY INDICAT0R Ass y GWX 50 t ...
Страница 16: ...alAppearance of Transistors and lcs 254798 Type No Lot No 2Serc1 2SC535 LC7207 characteristics 2S4850 2SC1735 AC 220V 50 60H2 Lot No hre 8 7 UNSWlTCHED 2OOW MAX STAMPEO ONTHEBACK E orF Ar Kr A2 K2 At Kt A2K2 ...
Страница 17: ...TUNER AF AMPAss y GWM 165 i d df Ir fr i a r 1 3 r T l Y i B o o L I È t _ t l t l r t t l I I J T t F E A _ t r J J o o a l Q I STEREo I Liili it it i t t t l rftlî î 1 lnql I I î r1i I J d r I T ...
Страница 18: ...401 FMlF Transformerl T402 FM DET Transformerl VR4Ol FMPLL VCOADJ No 6 PLLVCOTP CT405 AM MW ANT Trimmr rr tp CT4O4 AM LWANT Trimm T2 M Bar an MWCore VR2O2 AM AFC ADJ L405 AM MWLocalOSC Coit T403 B AM S Curve ADJ L406 AM LWLocalOSC Coill No 9 AFCTP VR2O3 FM AFC ADJ I Stap FM MPX SG Adiustment point Adiustment mothod 1 No signal unmodulated VR4Ol Obtain a l9kHz within tSOHzl signal at terminal no 6 ...
Страница 19: ...42 and ground 2 FM no input V8201 c Obtain a reading of DC6V within l50mV between terminal no 42 and ground Step FM SG 40OHz t75kHz DEV Position of dial poantel djustment Adjustment method Frequency Level POrnr 1 106MHz 106d8 106MHz cT403 Obtain maximum deflection of the signal meter 2 T402 Obtain maximum demodulated output at TAPE REC terminall 3 106MHz 2 HB 106MHz cT403 4 cT401 5 cr402 6 T401 7 ...
Страница 20: ...e MPX SG FM o Set the FM SG outPut to this position T2 IM Bar an MWCore L405 AM MWLocalOSC Coil multiplex signalgenerator to the FM 98MHz and 66dB modulation mode SG external modulator terminal to external and tune the SX 00L to T2 L Bar antenna LW Corel FM RF Coil vR201 b AM TuningVoltageADJ CT403 FM LocalOSC trimmerl L403 FM LocatOSC Coit T401 FM lF Transformerl No 6 PLLVCOTp VR2O2 AM AFC ADJ T4...
Страница 21: ... is lessthen 2 5mV cut Jumper A L ch andJumPerB R ch if tn voltage exceed 120mV check for circuit failure e e N o 1 5 N o 1 6 Jumper A e D s N o 1 7 N o 1 8 St D AM SG zlooHz g MOD Position of dial pointer Adiustment point Adju ment method Frequency Level 1 150kHz 40dB 150kHz L406 Obtain maximum demodulatedoutput at TApE REC terminal 2 1 2 L 3 350kHz 40dB 350kHz cT406 4 c1404 5 Repeatsteps1 to 4 u...
Страница 22: ...Fuse T2 5A 25OV ATC 112 ATC 121 ATC I15 ATB07l ATD OO8 T24 028 ATEO39 ATE 5 I ATBOTO ATF 53 ATF 87 SWITCHES PartNo F U l FU2 FU1O1 FuseT250mA2SOV FU301 FU3O2 Fuse T3 15A2S0V Tuner AF assembly EO AMP assembty Switch assembly Indicatorassembly Fuseassembly Symbol Description FM ANT coil FM RF coil FM OSC coil AM OSC coil LW OSC coil L4O7 RF choke coil T4O1 FM tFT T4O2 FM DET T4O3 Rario DET F4O1 F4O2...
Страница 23: ...c474 C475 c452 C453 c426 c482 c458 c459 c457 c446 c416 c444 C450 c424 c439 c430 c443 c454 C455 c460 c449 c448 ACX 201 ACPOOT ACT 128 ACT 22 ACT 129 c92051 ACN 1 19 I ncruoos A Rot zpsrooo l I RDl 4PMF trDtrJ RDl 2PS DtrtrJ R D 1 4 P Mo t r D J RESISTORS Part No Symbol Description I R S l P t r D E J RS2P ODtr J R N l 4 P O D o o o F R D 1 4 V M t r Û O J SEMICONDUCTORS Part No VR201 Tuningresistor...
Страница 24: ... ll etrrrf ifttl ruFsr I e tr rsv6a oa a4o4 2SC40t 046 25A7265 o427 2 tk26l 0407 tsrss r 1IY I ij c o t 54 t i t 5 o 1 a I l p a I r5NJMassaox I E 9 N P I a ï lr I nef ns da El rs ËTB __i o3q 3o2 zSÂæE a3o3r3o4 2SCZ229 O305 S6 25Ca45A 1æA 6Aa5O o3oq3 o 2scr7t5 o30r1 3t4 ...
Страница 25: ...t c wt prîr tr G rh d ædâfte or rh elav tacror ot rh Èd The tor wh6 ræt ng b ùrs bu Êni ot idenricard6qnar6h swrÏcHEs sr rcw8 0N STANO AY s2 5 FUNCI ON LW MW FM tuONO AUX 53 TÂPE MONITOR Oil OFF s4 i LoùNESS ON OFF S4 2 FM MUTING oN oFF SæI MANUAL OFF S 2 O 2 T M E M Q Y d 6 F s2o3 pRESEI ON OFF 9O4 hESEÏ fu OFF S2O5 PRESET ON OÊF sæ6 pR sÉr oN oqE s2o7 FRES T ON OÊF s æ pREsEr tu F F S2O9 PRESÉT ...
Страница 26: ...19 AEL 315 D428 D430 LED Orange D431 LED Red 2 1K261 MZ O75 wz075 OTHERS Part No RDl 4PMBOtrJ R480 R519 FuseAssembly GWX 502 Part No Symbol Descraption ACGOOl c1 Ceramic capacitor o o1 250v Symbol Description AK8 064 AKE 48 AKN 029 Terminal AUX TAPE Terminal SPEAKERSI Phonejack PHONES 11 PACKING PartsLast VBZ30PO60FMC Screw PMZ25P OFMC Screw EO AMPAssembly cWF l33 CAPACITORS Part No Symbol Descrip...
Страница 27: ... power cord Screw Operating instructions German Frenchl AEK 4O3 AKPO26 ADG O41 MTZ3OPlOOFZK ARD 149 ADG 051 for AC socket Continued from the preceding page Key No 51 5 2 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 6 1 62 63 64 65 66 Part No D scription Pulley assembly Pulley asembly small Dial panel Lock plate Front stay Oial pointer assembly Smoother Frame P C Board holder Heat sink Remote wire Rear panel Terminal GND ...
Страница 28: ... wires 8V 100mA lndicator assemblY Switch assemblY Fuse T3 15A250V Tuner AF assemblY Power transformer Screw AC socket AC OUTLETS Fuse T1 6A 250V Fuse T2 5A 250V FuseassemblY 21 AKHOOS 22 2SD848A B 23 AEC 288 24 ABA 187 25 WS35F065M100 26 WB3OFNi a27 AEK 037 28 AKA Oo7 29 GWF I33 30 MTZ30P100FzK 31 BBT3OPOSOFZK 32 ABA 176 33 WA35F100N080 34 AEC 327 A gs ADG 041 36 ATX 019 Transistor holder Transis...
Страница 29: ...f identical designation NOlES Key No Part No 1 BCZ3oPO8oFMC 2 ANB 900 3 AAB 244 4 FBT4OPOSOFZK 5 ANE 269 6 AEC 672 7 AAD 200 8 AAA069 9 AAD I79 10 AAD 299 11 AAD 298 12 vBz30P06oFMC 1 3 Description Screw Front panel assembly Knob BASS TREBLE BALANCE VOLUME FUNCTION Screw Bonnet case Foot assembly Leverknob POWER Knob TUNtNGI Pushknob FM MUTING LOUDNESS TAPE MONITOR Pushknob MEMORy MANUAL Push knob...
Страница 30: ...n J a FICINÈEB ELCCTFICDi IGB CCtFIPCTçlAllCrhl E S OxfoFd D rve Moonachre New Jensey O7O74 U S A PICtI lEaFl ILCCTFICI vIC aEl tlFlCtFE N V Lu Èhégen H ven 9 2O3O AnEwenp Elergrum FfGtNlEll lLtCTElClNlCa AIJaTFiALIA FTY LTEI 17e 1B4 Boundeny Ftoed Elnaêsrde VrcÈorrê 3 1 95 Auscnelre ...