Pioneer SX-1000TD Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание SX-1000TD

Страница 1: ...fety of your unit OModel SX 1000TDO is set lo 24OY operation when shipped lf this unit is used in a different line voltage area read and follow LINE VOLTAGE SELECTION AND FUSE on page 1 Be sure that the line voltage setting on your unit agrees with the line voltage in your area and that the fuse installed in your unit is a proper one OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS PItrNEE R f Lf GTRONItr EORPORATION ...

Страница 2: ...nd least harmonic distortion The inputs and outputs pr ovided in the receiver include two pairs of pHONO MAG inputs When two turntables are connected to these inputs the user is able to switch from one turntable to the other any time at will Also two pairs of ioudspeaker outputs are included for switching between or for per mitting the simultaneous use of two loudspeakers The electronic switchrng ...

Страница 3: ......

Страница 4: ...iltlIuIrilrIrailtrnr il rrilr AM ll 55 60 70 B0 100 12O 140 160 xro KHz rUt rrrrrc INDICATOR FIU STERE SPEAKERS BAS VOLUME Low HtcH VODE fnpr H 1ON FILTER FILTER STEREO STEREO LXIRA FRONT N 4AIN L vn n FXTFA Lr REAR gq6N1 qE4q RT LT a RT LOUDNESS MUTTNG AFC PHONO rs POWER K I SPOFF OFFt IPHONES NllN YN AX VtI YVAX rEr T N INYMAX 10 11 1213141516 Fig 2 Fig 3 26 27 28 29 30 34 35 3637 38 39 ...

Страница 5: ...tically for tuning drift which frequently occurs when listening in an FM station for a long ttme This switch should be set to the OFF position when tunrng in a statron and afier the station has been tuned in t should im mediately be set to the AFC positton 16 PHONO SWITCH This control switch selects the record player to be used PHON0 l For reprodution of the output of the record player connected t...

Страница 6: material signals direcfly from the heads of a tape player the output cables should be connected to these input jacks 26 PH0N0 I 27 PH0N0 2 When using two turntables which are equipped with a magnetic cartridge the output cables of the second turntable should be connected to these input jacks 28 GND 2 lf a turntable equipped with a ground lead is used the ground lead should also be connected to ...

Страница 7: ...the wall or to any support Oln regions where the furnished indoorT shaped antenna provides poor results such as many noises or poor channel separation an outdoor FM antenna may be required ln this case the leads from the outdoor antenna should also be connected to the FM antenna terminals 24 For information about the outdoor FM antenna consuit a TV shop in your area OG rou nd ln some area the use ...

Страница 8: ...nections When using a turntable equipped with either a ceramic or a crystal pickup cartridge the output ieads are connected to the pHONO CER input lacks 29 The upper input jack is for the left channel and the lower is for the right channel When a monaural turntable rs used the output cable may be connected to either the upper input lack or the lower Tape recorder connections For making recordings ...

Страница 9: ...ould be set to either the IMODE LEFT or MODE RIGHT position depending upon whicn channel input the output cable of the turntable is connected to Direct reproduction of tape head outputs OWhen the signal directly derived from the playback head of a tape deck is reproduced through ihis receiver the operaiion will be as follows l The SELECTOR switch 5 is set to erther the TAPE HD I l 2 or TAPE HD 33 ...

Страница 10: ...roper e OThe TREBLE sound level is too high Revers ng the noise problem the noise line plug may occas onally alleviate this Usually it is very difficuit to elrminate medium wave reception Static noise in FM reception in particuiar when automo biles run close to the hou se Reception of FNI program contains noise than FM program Hum or buzz When switched to radio reception the noise will disappear S...

Страница 11: ...ECTOR FlV AUTO AFC OFF MUT1NG OFF Volume Control Setting Fully Counterclockwise lnput Signal lVain LI R 40 SKHz Deviation 60 1gKHz pitot 7 5KHz Deviation IO STEPS Circuite to be adj usted Signal Generator lnput Connect Al i gnment Coupl i ng lnput Signal Adj ust Remarks I SCA Fi I ter Audio Oscilletor to lN 66 KHz 170mV AC VTVM TP zog Lrcc Adjust to get minimum defl ecii on 2 68 KHz 1 7OmV L uos 3...

Страница 12: ...ncline of straight part of S curve will be steepest adjust secondary side so that center of S curve will coincide with center of marker 4 5 Connect output termin I TP of Front end of front er d 1 2 to lN termi 40 dB lal of lF unit Point of no i nterference as near as 88 MHz Top of T3s2 T zor r zoz T zo Adjust to get maximum sensitivity and symmetry 6 7 80 dB Check symmetry ot curve 6 40 dB T zoq A...


Страница 14: ...o Ll Lz Power transformer AM Ferriteloopstick Antenna coil Heater chork coil T52 131 A T42 O14 A T 42 O25 A Symbol Descri pti on Part No Rl R2 R3 Ra Rs Re R7 R8 Rs Rro Rrr Rrz Rr R r Rrs Rro Rrz R re Rrg Rzo R zr Rzz Rz Rz R zs Reo Rzz Rze Rzs R o Rsr R z R R R s R36 R3e Rao R r Raa Carbon film 68K 1M 1 00K 68K 3 3K I I compound part I l Carbon film Wire wound I 5OK 15K 12K 47K 100 o 7 Carbon film...

Страница 15: ...TORS Czoz Czo Czot C zo C zoo Czot Czoa C zog Czto Czt t Cztz My lar Ceramic 0 1 3P 0 01 L OOP 0 01 300P a 41 5 l5 Symbol Description Part No Tsor T oz L or Lzoz Llo L o L os FM ANT coil FM lF Transformer RF coil RF Choke coil OSC coil T22 OI3 T7 3 O20 T21 O13 f 23 O26 T24 424 T23 O32 Symbol Descri pti on Part No Q or Qaoz Q o D 301 3SK22 FET 2SC461 Transistor 2Sc461 Transistor 1585 Variable Capac...

Страница 16: ... C 703 C704 C7o5 C7o6 C707 C7o8 c709 c 710 C7l l c112 C7r3 c7t4 c 715 C7l 6 C717 C7l8 C7r9 C720 C72L C724 Electrolytio Myl ar Cerami c Styrol El ectrol yti c S tyrol Electrolytic Styrol E lectrolytic Styrol El ectrol ytic Ceramic 22 I o 02 I 68P l o o2 l su 10 l o oo5 5 1 l 4 7 zou 1 o 47 i 33 0 005 0 0033 22 10 o 015 I 22 0 04 1ov lc5l o22 o sov I 10v 50v 15V 25V 10v 50v 10v 50v 10v 25V 50v RESIS...

Страница 17: ...C r72 Or2 t Sym bo I Descri ption Part No VRzor tKO L and R Level adjust 3O0O Auto Level adjust c92 O22 C c92 O26 C Symbol Descri pt i on Part No Dsor D lo D so Dsoq Qsor Q soz Qro Q soq 1 N60 2SC372 Transistor Symbol Descr i pti on Part No Csor Csoz C sos Cso Cloo Csoz Csoa Crog Csro Csrr u5l2 Ctt Csr Csrs Csro C rz Csre Csrg C z r Cszz Clz Cerami c Styrol El ect ro I ytj c Ceramic Electrolytic C...

Страница 18: ...21 CAPACITORS Rr R2 R3 R 330k 33k TRA I SISTORS Symbol Descri pti on Part No Qror Q roz Qro Qro 2SC458Lc Transistor TRA I S ISTllRS Symbol Description Part No Q Q Qt Q 2SC87l 25C870 Cr C Cr Cr Cs Cs C Cs Cg C O C r C C t c C t Cru Crt Cra C t Czo C c z c C c Electrolytic I O Cl Mylar O ZZ Electrolytic I r Mylar i 4700p Electrolytic 50 url u L in 2sY 50v 16V 50v 25V 6 3V 25V 50v Symbol Descri pti o...

Страница 19: ...on Part No Reo Reo R aos Rsoo R aoz Rgoe Rgos Raro Rar r Rsr Rar Rai Rars Raro Rarz Rare Rars Razo R aer R azz Rez Rez Rezs Rezo Razz Reza Rezs Reso Rs r Resz Re s Res Re s Re o Re z Re e Re s Re o R sar P sqz Rg Rg Rg s R a e R a z Ra e Carbon film Wire wound Carbon film 68K 47K 4 7 K 1K 1 5ocl 470K 330K 220c 4 7K 1 50K 1 80K 3 3K 10K 10r 8 2K 2 2K 5 6K 33K 2 2K 1 50c 220c 220A w 2W Symbol Descri...

Страница 20: ... FRONT END FM IF UNIT Dsor I N60 ANr r orv cI zi l l t FI 1 FRt NI ENI wil 028 ANT 300o BALA NCE D I i I F i s L a lo l MPX UI IT IlPX UNIT w13 021 STEREO O 5V 110N0 2 1V Ccro l 41et15 33 srcneo ros l nONo LrBV ld r 20 ...

Страница 21: ... trt rnERttrsroR ansez oro taov Q enortcrror t NFB Q azu Q BASI r rneRlrrsroR Q crrurra tnr i THER I IsTOR O BASE 2 oHo COilTROL AMP UI IT CONTROL AMP UNIT wt5 o47 PRE AMP U IT PR E AI 1P UN IT wts 005 POWER SUPPLY UI IT POWIR SUPPL I UNiT wl6 0r0 r f o o ii l i ojo3zsc4s6 21 ...

Страница 22: A Yg 2E E o l9 I F r I L ut H O t O O o iR t o F o ts O d Y JJ J r zzt ZO rt6 96 F F e d 2 _6 7 o 9 zt Ld tt d oa 3 3 5 z 4 so ttt 9e 4 E o 6a 9 08 G O 5 O uOL i 3 o 6o Jd sri 335 5HH reE E 4ts N 121 1 l l3l ffiHFH E H 66 H FF iS O t O z o I o o E l 7 t ugo e o F o o I I x 3n VNN 1NV sLndN _rHc18 llNNVHl SINdNI 1J I I NNVH o s I lr so T FF r LO t 9 7 ts 9zi zotl o dTE d F z oJi G i g o 4Z e ao ...

Страница 23: ...I AM Tuner UtL W14 004 All Tronsistors ore 25C87 O Ft il unit Wl2 020 Unit Wl3 021 23 ...

Страница 24: ...Pre Amp Unit Wl5 005 Gontol Amp Unit wl5 047 Amp Unit Wl5 0271 POWER Supply Unit Wl6 010 24 ...

Страница 25: ...M Hz I 7pY 76dB at 98MHz AUX better than 90dB lnputs lmpedance MAGnetic PHONO 2 4mv 50k O l kHz and Audio CERamic PHONO 51mv 90kO lkHz Sensitivity for TAPE HEAD L5 mv 120k O 1kHz rated output TAPE MONITOR 200mv 100k O 1kHz AUX liary 2O0mv 100ko 1kHz Damping Factor 25 8O lkHz Output Terminals Speakers 4 16 ohms and Jacks Stereo headphones jack Simultaneous tape Recording jacks equipped with TAPE MO...
