Страница 1: ... o LNV Ott435 1t IMPORTANT NOTICE The serial number for this equipment is located on the rear panel Please write this serialnumberon Vour enclosed warranty card and keep in a secure area This isf or your secu rity WARNING T0 PREVENT FIRE 0RSHOCK HAZARD DONOTEXPOSE THIS APPLI ANCE TORAIN ORMOISTURE proNEER ...
Страница 2: ...eptacles andthepointwherethey exitfromtheappliance CLEANING Theappliance shouldbecleaned onlywith a polishing clothor a soft dry cloth Nevercleanwith furniturewax benzine insecticides or other volatileliquidssincethey may corrodethe cabinet POWERLINES An outdoorantenna shouldbelocated awavfrom oowerlines NONUSEPERIODS Thepowercordof theappliance shouldbe unplugged from the outletwhen left unusedfo...
Страница 3: ...ergy distribution filter since all musical instruments produceharmonicswhich are strongestwhen the instru ment is playedhard Hencetheseharmonics activate the sensing circuitandcontrolthe degree of expansion sothat lowerfrequency instruments arealsoenhanced S Stage DynamicExpansion Selector The expansion in the dynamicrangecan be switchedin 3dB stepsfrom 4dB to 16dB with this S setting selector By ...
Страница 4: ... the stereoamplifier a tape recordercannotbe connected if the stereoamplifieris provided with only one setof tapejacks In thiscase connectthe inputandoutput jacksof the tapedeckto the TAPE RECand PLAY jacks of the RG 9 Connections for recording Connectthe recording input jacks INPUT on the tape deckto the TAPE RECjackson the RG 9 Connections for playback Connectthe playbackoutput jacks OUTPUT on t...
Страница 5: ...try is made available at the OUTPUT jacks There will however be no output if the input level control is set to the 0 position Make sure that this control is set to the 10 position TNPCMONITOR INDICATOR This comeson whenthe tapemonitorswitchisdepressed o TAPEMONTTOR SWTTCH Depress this switchto monitorthesoundon the tapeasit is beingrecorded or whenplayingbacka tapeusinga tape deck connectedto the ...
Страница 6: ...ack 1 Depress thetapemonitorswitch ON 2 Depress theprocessor switch ON 3 Otheroperations arethe same asdescribed in OpERA TtoN FORMAXIMUMENJOYMENT RG 9Effecton musicsource The RG 9increases the level variations in themusic source Highleveland percussive materialsuchasjazzandrockare bestplayedat the dynamicexpansion selector settings of 10 13 16dB while delicatemusicsuchas instrumental solos andcha...
Страница 7: ...l to the peakvalues of the AC input signal The outputfrom this RG detector becomes the gaincontrolsignal for the GCA Current from the sensorsectiondetermines the open loop gainof the gaincontrolamplifier The gaintherefore increases as the control current increases in accordance with the input signal The characteristics of this signal undergo changes suchasthosein Fig 6 input gain charac teristics ...
Страница 8: ...l f tr iplqi PREMAINAIMP P R E M A I N SG 9 FUNCTION RECOUT TAPE MONITOFI POWER TAPE MONITOR FOCESSOR OYNAIVIC EXPANSION INPUT POWER EOUALI ZER TAPE 40NtTOR OCTAVE CONTROLS Becord Alvt FM recording TAPE P H O N O o r T U N E R O F F Adjust Record AlM FM reproduction Equalizing TAPE I PHONO or TUNEFI ON O F F O F F Adj uil O N ON Adjusr Record Al 4 Flvlreproduction Expansion TAPE 1 P H O N O o r T ...
Страница 9: ...Rwarbor6tion TAPE 1 ON ON ON ON Adlusr Adjusl ON ON Adju Note 1 Note 2 NOTES 1 Whenpremain amplifiers A 9 A A 7 A A 5 erc equipped with a RECOUT SELECTOR areused 2 Whenother premainsmplifiers receivers etc areused 3 W h e n l h e T A P E M O N T O F o f t h e p r e m a i n a m p l i f i e r i s s s t t o O N o r T A P E l t h e R G g w i l l n o t p r o d u c o a s o u n d i f t h e i n p u t l e ...
Страница 10: ...e input level control SPECIFICATIONS Processor Section M a x i m u m O u t p u t V o l t a g e 6 b V 1 k H z T H D 0 5 R 4 7 k Q D Y N A M I C E X P A N S I O N 1 6 d B T o t a lH a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n 0 0 b Output 1V 1kHz DYNAMICEXPANSTON 16dB D y n a m i c E x p a n s i o n 4 7 1 0 1 31 6 d B Gain lmpulse Response A t t a c k T i m e O 3 m s e c R e l e a s e T i m e i 2 O m s e c In...