PSEN cs6.11n
Operating Manual PSEN cs6.11n
For your safety
Risk of malfunction of pacemakers or implanted defibrillators
The magnetic field of the safety switch may cause malfunctions of pace-
makers or implanted defibrillators.
People with a pacemaker or implanted defibrillators must maintain a dis-
tance of at least 100 mm to the safety switch and actuator.
Loss of safety function due to manipulation of the interlocking device
Manipulation of the interlocking device may lead to serious injury and death.
– You should prevent any possibility of the interlocking device being
manipulated through the use of a spare actuator.
– Keep the substitute actuator in a safe place and protect it from unau-
thorised access.
– If spare actuators are used, these must be installed as described in
– If the original actuators are replaced with substitute actuators, the ori-
ginal actuators must be destroyed before disposal.
Do not remove the connector's protective cap until you are just about to connect the
unit. This will prevent potential contamination.
Unit features
Transponder technology for presence detection
Pilz coding type: fully coded
Dual-channel operation
2 safety outputs
1 signal output
Magnetic latching with permanent magnet, (holding force 30 N)
LED display for:
State of the actuator
State of the inputs (always lights up yellow)
Supply voltage/fault
1 actuation direction with 3 approach directions (see
Square marking
The guaranteed safe operating distances for the specified selections only apply when
the actuator approaches the switch vertically. With other approach directions, the oper-
ating distances may partly be considerably larger.