Installation of a Sound modul
Connecting the SUSI-interface
Connect the SUSI interface via the soldering pads of the decoder
plate. Solder the red, blue, gray and black wires according to the
decoder isntructions. The sound module receives its power and data
from the decoder.
All brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of the respective companies.
* Märklin is a trade mark of Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH, Göppingen
** Motorola is a trade mark of Motorola Inc. Tempe-Phoenix (Arizona/USA)
PIKO Spielwaren GmbH
Lutherstr. 30, 96515 Sonneberg
• Intelligent sound control with up to 40 seconds of original sound coordinated to the operating situation
(i.e., speed, etc.) of the locomotive
• Generates the operating (motor) sound of the locomotive, "squealing" brakes, incidental noises while
stationary (mechanical devices (e.g., air pumps, etc.), coal shovels, etc.)
• 5 additionally adjustable noises such as whistle, bell, horn, uncoupling sound or door warning signal
• Sound changes as engine load changes, such as up/down grade operation; reaction to load change
can be adjusted
• The "Smart-Start": When starting the locomotive, the sound module stops the decoder from operating
until the actual starting of the vehicle synchronises with the sound of the motor. The locomotive does
not move until the very starting sound begins.
• Adjustable volume and audio muting: the sound can be faded or turned off by function key,
e. g. during travels into and away from a shadow station
• Provisions for a wheel sensor (e. g., reed contact, etc.) for synchronized exhaust sounds with steam
• Efficient digital output circuitry renders sounds over 3 independent channels
• Up to three modules can be connected to a locomotive decoder, e. g. for multi-engine locomotives
• Comes with speaker and resonating chamber
• Locomotive sounds can be downloaded; various sounds are available at www.uhlenbrock.de
For modern diesel railcar sounds with the SUSI-interface
The Intellisound sound module is an auxiliary module for locomotive decoders with the standardized
SUSI interface, and can be identified by the appropriate logo. The sound modules supply original, faith-
fully reproduced sounds of real locomotives. Using "intelligent sound control" the sounds produced are
adapted to match the locomotives actual operating environment. Even when driving uphill and downhill,
the sounds change to accurately reflect prototypical operation. When the locomotive is supposed to
start, the sound module will stop the motor from working (via the decoder) until the actual starting of the
vehicle synchronises with the sound of the motor. A diesel locomotive, for instance, roars right before
it starts. The decoder stops the train from moving until the roaring is over and the motor sound begins.
If the locomotive is stopped, the appropriate "squealing" brake sound is produced. While stationary,
different operating noises for the-respective type of locomotive are produced by chance (coal shovels,
compressed air). With diesel locomotives, the engine startup and shutdown sounds can be heard when
this function is switched on and off. In addition to the driving (motor) sound of the locomotive, which can
be switched on and off using the appropriate function key, 3 more sounds can be triggered by function
keys. Here, depending upon the type of locomotive (as displayed in the table below), whistle, horn, bell,
door warning / closing signal or uncoupling sounds can be played.
If the locomotive travels out of the visible range of a model railway facility, e.g. into a shadow station, then
"audio muting" can be softly faded out by a special function key. By pressing the function key again, the
sound is gradually faded in, adapting itself to the existing driving conditions (i. e., sound synchronized
to the motor speed).
# 46192 PIKO Sound Modul
e. g. PIKO #46211 PluX12
Loading new sounds into the module
In order to load a new sound into the IntelliSound module, the module must be separated from the
locomotive decoder and be connected via the SUSI plug into the appropriate socket of the InteIliSound
load adapter (# 31 010). The module has writing protection, which protects it module against accidental
overwriting. Before new sounds can be loaded, this protection must be removed. To accomplish this,
the points illustrated in the accompanying picture must be connected (jumpered) before the module is
attached to the InteIliSound load adapter. The operating steps for changing / loading sounds are provided
with the InteIliSound load adapter. You can find a large selection of different sounds on our web page:
Technical data
Power input: max. 0.1 A
Size: 18 x 11 x 5 mm
Size of the loudspeaker: 19,5 x 13,5 x 4 mm
Uhlenbrock: 02045-858327, Mo-Tue-Thr-Fr 2-4 pm.; We- 4-6 pm.
Declaration of guarantee
Each component is examined before distribution for proper operation. However, if a problem should
arise within the guarantee period of 2 years, then we will repair it for you free of charge upon receipt of
your sales invoice.
The warranty claim is void, if damage was caused by inappropriate treatment, use or modification. For
EU only: Please note that, according to EMV law, this component may be operated only within vehicles
which carry the CE designation.
You would like to program CV 82 with the value of 15. First, CV 66 must be programmed with the value
1. Next, program CV 18 with a value of 15. This will have the effect of entering the value 15 in CV 82,
since the value of 1 (the contents of CV 66) will be multiplied by 64 (and 1 x 64) = 64, and then added
to the value specified by the user (18), hence: 64 + 18 = 82.
Using the offset-register to set CV values greater than 79
CV-values greater than 79 can only programmed by employing the offset-register. This is CV
65. If a value other than zero is programmed in this CV, then that value, times 4, will be added
to the CV value specified by all subsequent writes and then it will be written in the specified CV. The Offset
register (CV 66) is automatically set to the value zero upon leaving the Motorola** programming mode.
Consider CV 49 to be programmed for a value of 157. First CV 65 must be set to a value of 25. Now CV
49 must be set to value of 57. The decoder will hold 157 in CV 49, because the offset of CV 65 will be
multiplied by 4 (=100) and added to 57. After programming, reset the contents of CV 65 to zero in order
to avoid unwanted offsets.
Observe: When programming CV 65 and CV 66 the mutual contents are ignored.