Unroll the silt fence fabric on the ground with the
gray panel facing up. The 5" sand tube pocket,
with post holes, should be toward the fill slope.
Fold top edge of fabric over bracket, aligning
prepunched holes in fabric with the top two holes
in the bracket. (The bottom six holes are unused.)
Drop bottom plate over end of post and place
retainer clip on top. Finish driving T-post until
bottom plate is tight and flush with ground,
sealing tube pockets in place.
Insert sand tubes into tube pockets between the
post holes in the fabric.
For 4' spacing, drive a T-post into every post
hole. For 8' spacing, drive T-posts into fence ends
then alternate every 4' with ground stakes and
T-posts. (Use washers with ground stakes.)
Feed two 75# zip ties through the fabric, into the
bracket and back through the fabric.
Start T-posts in holes between sand tubes
(studded side facing fill slope), with the white
end facing up. Set with a driver, pounder or
Place angled top bracket on top of T-posts and
pin into place. Ensure that the open side faces
the fill slope.
Tighten zip ties. The fabric will not be tight
horizontally or vertically to allow the self-
supporting curve to function.
PIG Trenchless Curved Silt Fence — Installation