Prog ramming the 3000A Series oscilloscopes
Copyright © 2011-2013 Pico Technology Limited. All rights reserved.
ps3000abpg.en r9
2.12.25 ps3000aGetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk
PICO_STATUS ps3000aGetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk
short handle,
unsigned long * timesUpper,
unsigned long * timesLower,
PS3000A_TIME_UNITS * timeUnits,
unsigned short fromSegmentIndex,
unsigned short toSegmentIndex
This function retrieves the time offsets, as lower and upper 32-bit values, for
waveforms obtained in
This function is provided for use in programming environments that do not support 64-
bit integers. If your programming environment supports this data type, it is easier to