User Manual
F712T0002, valid for F-712.MA1 and F-712.MA2
Mma, BRo, 12/6/2019
Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG, Auf der Roemerstrasse 1, 76228 Karlsruhe, Germany
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This document (F712T0002) provides safety instructions and information on installation and
operation for F-712.MA1 and F-712.MA2 alignment systems with P-616K001 NanoCube® and
stacked M-122K025 XYZ linear stages.
For fast multi-channel photonics alignment with F-712 systems, see the following document:
Fast Multi-Channel Photonics
E712T0016 user manual
The user manual describes the following:
Overview of hardware and firmware provided by PI and
of the fast alignment procedure
Instructions for system preparation, analysis and
Descriptions and examples of fast alignment routines
Answers to frequently asked questions
Command reference for E-712
Parameter reference for E-712
For general descriptions of the commands and functionality supported by the E-712K252 and E-
712K236 controllers, see the following documents:
E-711/E-712 modular digital
multi-channel controller
PZ195E user manual
E-712 commands
PZ233E commands manual
Intended Use
The F-712 alignment systems provide closed-loop travel in axes X, Y and Z for fiber alignment
tasks. The included P-616K001 NanoCube® nanopositioners and M-122K025 linear stages are
equipped with incremental position sensors.
Based on its design and realization, the system is intended to position fiber holders with a
maximum mass of 30 g. The specifications (p. 34) are valid for horizontal orientation only.
The F-712 alignment systems are laboratory devices as defined by DIN EN 61010-1; intended for
indoor use and use in an environment that is free of dirt, oil, and lubricants.
The intended use of the system is only possible if the included controller is applied.