HP2 Back
3.1 Basic verification
At the time of delivery and receipt of the HP2 back, the following verifications must be
performed to ensure the safety of the user:
Make sure the universal clamp is solid;
Make sure the the back’s anchor receptacle is solid;
Make sure the protective cover and the cushion are in good shape;
Make sure the lateral supports are correctly attached to the back.
3.2 Safety rules
Several safety measures must be applied to ensure the safety of the user. Note that
the following list is not comprehensive. Therefore, the people who use the HP2 back
have the responsibility to use it cautiously:
Always use the anchors made for the back;
Installing the HP2 back on a wheelchair may affect the center of
gravity of the wheelchair and may cause the wheelchair to tip backwards
potentially resulting in injury.
Always judge for the potential need for anti-tippers or amputee axle
adapter brackets to be added to help increase stability.
Do not use the HP2 back to push or lift wheelchair.
Installation and adjustment of your HP2 back should be performed
only by an authorized dealer or qualified therapist.
Do not use the HP2 back handle to lift wheelchair.
Do not use this equipment without having read and understood this
user manual in its entirety. This manual includes critical information
intended to ensure the safety of the user and the individuals who
handle the wheelchair.
3. Recommendations