LIFEPAK CR Plus/EXPRESS Defibrillator
Device Tracking
General Device
Tracking Information
It is important to maintain accurate records of defibrillator location within your
facility or system. Maintenance of such records eases the process of locating
defibrillators should it be necessary to modify them. Defibrillators should be
tracked by both the manufacturer’s part number and serial number. Internal
asset or tracking numbers may also be useful in maintaining adequate control of
Device Tracking
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires defibrillator manufacturers and
distributors to track the location of their defibrillators. The address to which this
particular device was shipped is now listed as the current tracking location. If the
device is located somewhere other than the shipping address or the device has
been sold, donated, lost, stolen, exported, or destroyed, or if it was not obtained
directly from Physio-Control, please call the device tracking coordinator at
1.800.426.4448 to update this vital tracking information.