LIFEPAK CR Plus/EXPRESS Defibrillator
Product Useful Life
The defibrillators and subassemblies are subjected to rigorous life testing. This
testing and the routine testing and preventative maintenance recommended in
this service manual will help provide reliable unit operation for many years.
However, both rapid technological changes and the availability of older
replacement parts limit the useful life of all modern medical devices. The
American Hospital Association suggests a five-year useful life expectancy for
defibrillators (Estimated Useful Lives of Depreciable Hospital Assets, Revised
1998 Edition). Similarly, the U.S. Army lists an eight-year life expectancy for
defibrillators (technical bulletin: Maintenance Expenditure Limits for Medical
Materiel, TB MED 7 Revision 8 October 1993). Physio-Control recommends that
you adopt an eight-year useful life expectancy for this device.