The setting and maintanance guide of Photo Jinn automat.
Into the motorized head MP101 insert batteries or
connect an external power source. Then switch the
switches on the back side of head to a position needed
for adapter working. The switch on the left side, give to
"0" position and the second switch on the right side set
to "M" (manual mode). Then insert Photo-Jinn control
adapter into a circular connector that is designed to
connect the original remote control .
For shooting panoramas have to be used head MP101,
which can be rotated horizontally by a full 360 ° angle.
(Original heads have a displacement range only to 180°,
but can be adjusted to 360 °).
Controls and connectors.
Connecting cables.
Cable for connection to a computer insert into the jack conector, which is located on the left side of
the adapter on the top (square symbol) and the other end insert into a computer serial port. If your
computer has not a serial port, used reduction - serial port RS232/USB (supply doesn't includ). For
more informations, see our website
- Customer support section .
Cable for PC connection PC cable connected to the adapter