Sensor Mounting
The sensor should be located in a position where engine block vibrations are directly coupled to the
sensor. Ideally this location should be on a boss on the engine block, inline with the point of
combustion. Care should be taken when selecting a suitable location. Locations of excessive noise,
such as the valve train may effect the operation of this device.
Note: The sensor should be located avoiding areas of extreme temperature. The sensor cable must
be routed avoiding areas of electrical interference (i.e. Do not route the sensor cable next to your
HT leads!)
With the system mounted and all connection securely made, switch on the ignition. The display will
show the “Phormula” start-up screen. The system will then display the system settings and knock
The system can be tested by tapping adjacent to the sensor with a metal object such as a spanner.
Care should be taken to avoid hitting the sensor directly.
Familiarise yourself with the system settings in the following sections before attempting to configure
the KS-3.
System Settings
System Settings can be accessed by moving the navigation dial slowly in a down direction
repeatedly. The screen orders are as follows:
Screen Name
1 Data
2 Bandwidth
3 Gain
4 Alert
5 Restore
6 Quickstart
7 Software
Data Screen
The data screen shows the current knock reading, the maximum knock reading and a bar graph
Resetting Peak Hold
Peak/Max readings can be reset by briefly pressing the navigation dial inwards.
Bandwidth Settings
Bandwidth settings can be accessed by moving the navigation switch downwards repeatedly until
the words “System Settings” and “BAND – XXX kHz” are displayed. Press the navigation switch
inwards briefly and the words “Scroll to change” will appear. Bandwidth can then be altered by
moving the navigation dial upwards or downwards. Press the navigation switch inwards to specify a
new setting.
Gain Settings
Gain settings can be accessed by moving the navigation switch downwards repeatedly until the
words “System Settings” and “GAIN – XX” are displayed. Press the navigation switch inwards briefly
and the words “Scroll to change” will appear. Gain can then be altered by moving the navigation dial
upwards or downwards. Press the navigation switch inwards to specify a new setting.
Alert settings can be accessed by moving the navigation switch downwards repeatedly until the words
“System Settings” and “ALERTS” are displayed. Press the navigation switch inwards briefly and the
words “Scroll to change” will appear. Alert levels can then be altered by moving the navigation dial
upwards or downwards. Press the navigation switch inwards to specify a new setting.
When the knock readings exceed the Alert threshold the system will display a visual warning and an
audible alert will sound. A white LED indicator will illuminate until the peak values are reset.
Restore System Defaults
The system can be reset to factory defaults by accessing the “RESTORE DEFAULT” screen.
The KS-3 displays the current system settings during startup. By setting Quickstart to “ON” in the
settings menu, the system will no longer display these settings during start-up.
Graphical Display
If the alert setting is switched off the bar graph will display a range from 0-100. If an alert limit has
been set the bar graph will display a fraction of the alert limit i.e. at an alert threshold of 40 the bar
graph will be at its maximum when a value of 40 is reached.
Configuring the KS-3
The engine must be operating correctly prior to configuring the KS-3.
Ensure KS-3 Alerts are turned off.
Set the Bandwidth setting to the expected engine knock frequency.
Run the engine under load to full power and check the peak readings.
Repeat step 3 adjusting the Gain settings until the KS-3 peak readings display
approximately 40.
Configure the Alert to trigger above the peak value.
An increase in the peak reading when the engine is under load is an indication of detonation
occurring. Tests showed readings of greater than 80 when detonation was occurring, however this
value will vary depending on the engine and location of the sensor.
The bandwidth settings are a centre frequency. Frequencies either side of the centre frequency are
also detected, but to a lesser extent.
Id Question
Why does the device display a value for Knock when the engine
is operating normally?
All engines produce a wide range of frequencies during
normal operation. The KS-3 will read and display engine
I can’t locate the sensor directly on the block. Will the device
operate correctly?
The KS-3 is sensitive to sensor location. Readings may be
taken from other locations such as the engine head; however
the distinction between engine noise and detonation may not
be as clear.
Can I cut and extend the sensor cable?
The sensor cable is shielded to reduce interference. The cable
can be extended using a similar shielded cable. Additional
cable can be purchased from www.phormula.co.uk
I’m getting inconsistent readings?
Check routing of the sensor cables. These must be routed
avoiding sources of electrical interference.
I’m getting occasional spikes and I’m certain my engine is not
Check connections to the sensor plug and FAQ 4. Check
sensor location is suitable.
Can I provide power to the KS-3 from a source other than the
cigarette lighter adapter provided?
The KS-3 may be powered from a 1A fused 12v dc source.
Modifications to the power cable or supply should be
conducted by a qualified automotive electrician.