Phonic Ear – Solaris Flex
The System
The on/off switch is on the left hand
side of the receiver.
On the top:
Socket to plug in listening
headphones and leads to cochlear
implants. (headphones)
Charging socket (flash of electricity)
Light or status indicator
A switch where you can toggle
between volume (balancing) and
On the front:
Having selected the channel or
volume on the top, use increase
decrease buttons on the front to
change whichever you have
selected (Volume = 1-32)
The channel number or volume is
then displayed in the window. If it
is the channel number it flashes all
the time, the volume is lit
The on/off switch is on the left hand
side of the receiver.
On the top:
Socket to plug in microphone
(microphone pic). An external
microphone is essential as it holds
the aerial.
Auxiliary socket to plug in eg DVD
player, laptop or television.
Charging socket (flash of electricity)
Light or status indicator
Mute switch. Depress to activate.
When activated, the green status
indicator will flash.
On the front:
The channel selection button. Press
and hold
the decrease button until the
number in the window flashes. When
you press the buttons again you will be
able to move up and down to select
the channel. Once chosen, leave the
number until it flashes. That channel
is now locked in.