Bath or shower symbol
If you see a shower or bath symbol printed on your groomer, it means that your device is waterproof.
It can be safely cleaned with water and used while taking a shower or a bath. For safety reasons,
these waterproof groomers can only be used cordless and will not turn on if they are connected to
the power supply.
Please keep in mind that the symbols on your Philips Groomer vary per model type. If you are
still unsure whether it is safe to clean your Philips Groomer with water then please contact us for
further support.
Where is the model and serial number of my Philips Male Groomer?
If you own a Philips Trimmer or Hair Clipper and want to know where its model and serial number is
located, please check the information below.
The model number is often needed when registering your product or when looking for information
about your specific model. The serial number can be used to identify the production date of your
Back of the device
For some grooming devices like the OneBlade, the model and serial numbers are located on the back
of the handle. The model number usually starts with 2 alphabets followed by 4 digits, e.g. QP2540.
The serial number has the format of YYWW (Year and week).