Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data Sheets
PNx83xx MOJO
The MOJO is a source decoder chip targeted for very low cost
application in integrated digital televisions.The device contains
all hardware and software to be able to decode and display
MPEG2 transport streams, including:
Audio / video decompression
Video encoding.
Overlay graphics provisions
Some features of the MOJO are:
32-bit PR1910 core operating at 120 MHz.
16-bit memory and peripheral interface to connect ROM,
NOR Flash and various peripherals.
Sixteen external interrupt inputs shared with PIO lines.
Several embedded peripheral units with physical interfaces
Two UART (RS-232) data ports
Two I
C master / slave transceivers
Two smart-card reader interfaces
One Integrated Conditional Access Module interface
Supports parallel and serial transport stream input
Front End
The front end of the “IBO Zapper” module is almost identical to
the “IBO+” module as used in the A10E with the exception that
the Transport Streams that come from the COFDM
demodulator are now fed through the PCMCIA controller first.
The PCMCIA controller receives encrypted Transport Streams
from the COFDM demodulator. Via the PCMCIA card, these
encrypted Transport Streams are decrypted, and transported
to the MOJO.
Back End
The MOJO is the main building block of the back-end of the
“IBO Zapper” module. The IC decodes the MPEG-2 stream into
analogue video and digital audio.
Transport Stream Input
The Transport Stream input is according to MPEG2 standard.
In the “IBO Zapper”, only 8-bit parallel is supported. The used
TS names are TDA_DATA.
Video Outputs
The MOJO has two analogue video outputs:
Primary (TV): YUV + RGB
Secundary (VCR): CVBS
The primary MOJO output is used as input for the TV display
and is fed either to the Hercules YUV/RGB input (pins 78/79/
80), for teletext insertion purposes, or directly to the analogue
Scaler input D2/C2/B2. The signal path is as follows:
switch 7G09 chooses between the SCART1 input signal and
the YUV/RGB output of the MOJO. The signal selected by
switch 7G09 is passed on to one group of the inputs of switch
7E00. The other group of inputs of this switch is connected to
the three analogue input pins of the DVI-D connector. The
output signal of switch 7E00 is passed on to the Hercules input,
pins 78/79/80 and to the Scaler input D2/C2/B2 via switch 7E01
in the MUX-SYNC interface. This switch chooses between the
MOJO output signal and the Hercules output signal, which is
used for SDTV signals (analogue terrestrial TV reception via
the analogue receiving part). The Hercules output is not only
used for SDTV signals, but also for MOJO output signals that
were first sent to the Hercules input for e.g. teletext reinsertion
purposes before they are passed on to the Scaler.
The secundary MOJO output, which delivers CVBS signals, is
used for monitoring purposes or for recording via the SCART 2
output of the TV set. The signal path of the secundary MOJO
output is as follows:
the CVBS/VCR signal coming from the MOJO is sent to the
Hercules video switch input, pin 58, via switch 7G07. The
signal then appears on one of the outputs of the Hercules video
switch, pin 48, and is passed on via switches 7219 and 7G10
to pin 19 of SCART 2, which is the CVBS/monitor output.
For further details, see the manuals of the original TV sets on
which the various models of IBO zappers are based.
Audio Outputs
The MOJO has two audio output interfaces:
SPDIF Out: The SPDIF sound output goes directly to a
connector on the back of the module.
I2S Out: This digital sound output is fed through a DAC and
the analogue L/R signals are directely fed into the
IBOLink Interface
The IBOLink™ approach is such that the conventional TV
microcontroller is re-used when digital functionality is added. In
principle, the TV can still operate without the bolt-on module.
The IBOLink™ software is added to the TV-set software, and is
operating as a software bridge.
Control Interface
The “IBO Zapper” is connected as a slave I
C device, The I
bus should be +5V tolerable and operating at 100kHz(MAX).
The “IBO Zapper” module slave address is 0xE4 (similar to
IBO+) but is configurable via IBOLink.
All communication from digital module to Television chassis
has to be initiated via an active low hardware interrupt line from
the digital module.
UART Interface
The UART interfaces (Universal Asynchronous Receiver And
Transmitter) are serial interfaces, which are used to transfer
data and commands between two devices.
The “IBO Zapper” system uses an UART interface for serial
communication with a pc for:
Diagnostic SW for Service or Production
SW uploading for Service or Development
9.10 Power Supply IBO Zapper Module
The “IBO Zapper” module operates from a single 12V supply
provided by the TV chassis. All other voltages that the module
needs are derived from the +12V. The module has four
different physical power states:
“Off” State.
“Passive Standby”.
“Active Standby”.
“On” State.
9.10.1 Off State
The set is powered off via the main power switch. The module
is not powered.