Страница 1: ...Directions for Use 3121 235 21132 ...
Страница 2: ...etwork And most importantly you can count on our uncompromising commitment to your total satisfaction All of this is our way of sayingwelcome and thanks for investing in a PHILIPSproduct Sincerely Lawrence J Blanford President and Chief Executive Officer P S Remember to get the most from your PHILIPS product you must return your Warranty Registration Card within I0 days So please mail it to us rig...
Страница 3: ...he appliance has be_n expo_xl to rain or II The appliance deas not appear to operate normally or c_libits a marked change in pcrforrnanc_ or I_ The appliance has be an dropped or tim cnclosura damagcxl 1 Hit Stability All telcMsions must comply wifll rc_ xmunended international global s_fety standards for the and stability propartias of its cabinet design Do not C _MgrOMiSe these design standards ...
Страница 4: ...ls or adjustments or peffonnanee of pmcedores other titan berein may resttit ht ht_ardous radiation exposure The set complies with tire FCC Rules Part 15 and with 21 CFR l 1_ 0 10 Copyright Protection Urmuth nized copying br_ mdeasting public tx_ mltance and lending of Di_ u eprahibited T_fisproduct incorporates copyright wotection technology fltat is protected by methc d claims of cerm m U S pate...
Страница 5: ...ting file Sleeptimer ConSul 25 How to use the Closed Captioning Conrail 26 Setting the Sma_Picture TM Conm_ 27 Setting the SmartSound TM kmm_ 28 Using file QuadraSurf TM Butt_ns Alternate Channel 29 30 _ Ooerating the DVD Player Operating fire DVD Player Basic Operation 31 DVD Remote Conrail Button Descriptions 32 Menu Bar Operation 33 Setup Menu La_lgttage Default AtMio Default Sub4itle 34 TV TV ...
Страница 6: ... CATV enamel capabili_ allews Nr viewing _ aritemar or cable Stereo capability including a built k1 audie arnpfifier arid twin speaker system allews tbr tim receNkm of TV gmgrarns bmM east in stereo sotmd Surf Button allows you to eesily switch arnong only the chan nels tha rye of interest to yeu the enes _ag you have pro grar mred into the TV s Sun ceatrol thmuNi the ea _men rrle iu Timer tfllows...
Страница 7: ...T button to display the INSTALL meeu features LANGUAGE wi l be hig flighted Press the CURSOR RIGHT butloit repeatedly to select ENGLISH ESPAli_OL Spanish or FRANCIAS Frerlch Wheit fiitished press rite SYSTEM MENU OSD button to remove the lilerlu from the I_r s scre eit iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Lmtguage colttml oldy makes the TNr s on screen MENU...
Страница 8: ...tons to sc_ ll file Install features tmdl the words TUNER MODE is high lighted Press the CURSOR RIGHT buttoit to select either ANTENNA CABLE or AUTO mode Whett fittished press fl e SYSTEM MENU OSD button to remove the on screeit menu froTtl file TV s screen iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii When CABLE is selec_d channels 1 125 areavailable When ANTENNA is se...
Страница 9: ...o start fire Aut_ Pragram scanning of chamtels Auto Progxammhtg will store tdl available channels in fire T_ s lIlelnOl_i thell _lile to file lowest avail able chmnte when done When finished press rite SYSTEM MENU OSD button to remove the lilenu from the T_ S _creeit iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii When CABLE is selected channels l 125 areavailable When ANTE...
Страница 10: ...he CHANNEL EDIT optkms 6 With the CHANNEL EDIT options displayed and CHANNEL NO high llgh_d enter file channel number wiflt the NUMBERED or the CH or buttons you wish to add Skipped OFF or delete Skipped ON fram the _V _S li leli lory Using the CURSOR DOWN button scroll rite menu to high ight rite word SKIPPED 8 Now use the CURSOR RIGHT but ton to toggle between ON or OFF If ON is selected rite ch...
Страница 11: ...t as you paperer _ Press the Cursor Right or Left buttons _ add or eliminate e_flor P_ Pr _ the Cursor Right or I eR buttons mtfil igh_st parts of file pickle show g_gx detail SHARPNESS Press the Cursor Right or Left buttons _ improve detail in fire pic_mre TINT Press the Cursor Right or Lea _ t tons R_obtain natttml skin tones COLOR TFA P Press the Cursor Right or Left buttons m sele_ NOR3 LA_L C...
Страница 12: ...ress the Cursor Right or 1 eftbut tons to _ljust the control The control will e_umce the low t_quenc3r _tmds _ Press the Cursor Right or Left buttons to adjustthe level or _tmd coming ti_nn the left _d ri_It speakers AVL Auk_VoltmaeLeveler Press the Cursor Right or l dt buttons to tufa the con trol On t_rOff _rhen Ori AWLwill level out the seinedbe rag hea_ when gaddea changes in vol _rle oc _trdu...
Страница 13: ..._ I ur PM StARt rIME Use the nurnbc rc_l buttons to cater a start ltp time for the TV to turn on or to ttmc a spcg tfic channel StOP I3MI Use the nmnbcrcd buttons to cater a time for the TV to shut ik _ _ off CHANNEL Use the Cursor Lctl or Right buttons to select a specific channel AV Input or DVD for the TV to ttmc to at thc spe ific Start Time If a DVD is playing the control can be set to Bookma...
Страница 14: ...ire on screelt menu Press file CURSOR DOWN twice m highlight FEATURES Press file CURSOR RIGHT and the menu wi shift to the eft Press file CURSOR DO _rN repeated y aodl fire ROTATION control is high igh_d Press the CURSOR RIGHT or LEFT m rota_ the picture olt fire screelt clockwise or comt_r clockwise Pletrve note that file aItlollrlt of rotafiolt will be very rrfildrnN Press file STATUS EXIT butto...
Страница 15: ...Active Ccmmfl 4 5 Press the CURSOR DOWN button tutti rite word FORMAT is tfigtflighted Press the CURSOR RIGHT or CUR SOR LEFT buttons m select one of the fltree options 4 3 Zx_om 14 9 Zoom 16 9 Subtitle Zoom Super Zoom or Wide sc_re en There is alsc_an AUTO setting that wil use the format the is encoded on DVD discs When finished press file SYSTEM MENU OSD button to remove rite menu from the T_ S ...
Страница 16: ...the age of 13 It c_ontai as one or more of the following violence sexu_ sit uatiens coarse larigqtuge or suggestive dialogue R Resttleted This is prograngning is specifically desi_ied fbr adults Anyone reader ttie age of 17 should only view dais progr_ mmaing with an ecc_ptmyk_g par ent or _Iult guarditm It contains one or more of the following kitense violence intense sexual situations stroog coa...
Страница 17: ...r a new 4 digit code using the NUMBERED buttons The screen will then ask you m CON FIRM the ctxle you just entered Enter yotlr new code again XXXX will appear when you enter yottr new c_tde and then display the AutoLock menu options Proceed to the next page to learn nu_re iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Parents it isn t txtsslble for your child to ttublock...
Страница 18: ...e Access Ck_de display as you press the NUM BERED buttons AutoLock menu options wi be d_splayed Press flze CURSOR UP or DOWN buttons tmfi rite words BLOCK CHANNELS _re hig flighted Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to mrn blocking ON or OFF for that channel When ON _sselected the channel will be blocked l0 ress flze CH or button to se ect otter channe s you wish to b ock Repeat step 9 to b ock the new...
Страница 19: ...are high igh_d Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to clear MI blocked chmntels The Clear All option will read Cleared When finished press file SYSTEM MENU OSD button to remove file Ttlen_sfrom the T_r S sG_ elt ff you tane m a blocked channel and enter your Access Ctxle to view the chamtel ALL blocked channels will be viewable until the TV is powered OFF and flten turned back ON _qtenthe TV is powered ...
Страница 20: ...shows on fire Access Code display as you press the NUM BERED buttons AuR_Leck rnenu opdons will be displayed tess the CURSOR UPor DO_rN button until the words BLOCK ALL _e highlighted tess the CURSOR RIGHT button to tunt Block All ON or OFF When ON is selected ALL awtilable chamtels will be blocked When finished press the SYSTEM MENU OSD button to remove rite TIlelIu_erYt the s_ redsrl iiiiiiiiiii...
Страница 21: ...file CURSOR UP or DOWN button to figldight fire words MOVIE RATING Press file CURSOR RIGHT button to display fire MOVIE RATING options G PG PG 13 R NCI or X Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN button m hJgtflight any of fire Movie Rating options When _figh ighted all these options can be turned ON which will allow blocking or OFF which will allow viewing l0 Use file CURSOR RIGHT button on the remote m run...
Страница 22: ...n rite remote m turn rite option ON or OFF I TV Ratings and Rating Sub Menus When a TV Rating is s_ected lo block ALL higher _alings _5 11_ bDcked also TV Y All childi_ l This program is designed to be appr_pHate br all child_n Dnsign_l for a very young audience iucluding cliildrml ages 2 6 This type of pmgrunmmlg is not expected to fi ightenyounger cliildw_ TV 7 Diruc_d to Otdca Children This pro...
Страница 23: ...R RIGHT button m display fire Blocking Options BLOCKING UNRATED or NO RATING menu Press file CURSOR UP or DOWN buttons to _figh ight the desired fea ture l0 hen highlightcd each feature can be turned ON or OFF using the CUR SOR RIGHT or LEFT buttons on the l_eTt_ote _h A o mwJ _hoq_ _ i v O_r _d tl it o _ t _ e P t_ ng o IV V_ti_ v _8a _ Oede Un n_l o O e_t _11 N FI_O_ o N_ All BII3_ _ v o Unra_l ...
Страница 24: ...ft On or Display ON Display Ott When selected an Active Control monitoring screen will be shown for a few seconds whertever a chamte change is made Within tiffs menu you cat actu flly see rite controls changirlg to give the best possible plc tmre quality Oil When selected the Active Corltml will work to give Ne viewer the best possible picture but will m t display the monlmfiltg screen whee chamte...
Страница 25: ...45 60 90 120 180 or 240 minutes before the TV will tttrn itself off An on screen count down will appear during rite last minute before rite TV shuts itself off The on soreen menu will time out and dis appear from the screen whee you fi_tish or you can press the SYSTEM MENU OSD button to clear the menu from the screee Duriitg fire last ufinute of a Sleeptimer setting at on scveee count dower will b...
Страница 26: ... wi appear on _reen if the ttmed pm gq am is broadcasting CC Jnforl_1ath _lL When Finished press the SYSTEM MENU OSO button to _love the menu frt_l the TV s screen ar let the option thne out _mddisappear frarn the TV S_re_L Not aU TV programs anti product com merelals are made with Closed Caption CC information included Nfflther are all Closed Caption modes CC1 ar CC2 nec essarily being used durin...
Страница 27: ... The cu rrent Au_ Picture setting wi l appear in fire xrfiddle of the _reen Press file SMART PICTURE button repea_dlov to select either PERSONAL MOVIES SPORTS WE AK SIGNAL or MULTIMEDIA pictttre settings Note The PERSONAL setting is the setting that you setup using fire PICYI UREoptions wit_fin fire on so teen menu T_fis is fire only Smart Picture setfmg that can be changed A other settings are se...
Страница 28: ...the direc lions below l Press the SMART SOUND button on the re note control The cttvrentS _art Sotmd setting wil al_pear in tl_e _iddle ot the screen Press the SMART SOUND button r_peatedly to k_gg e between tlte R_ur settings Note Ordy the PERSONAL _n_ can be eh_mged by the viewer This dmrlges the _ttings i_l the main on s_reen menu s m_d ctmtrols THEATRE Preset sound opfitms ft_r watching lrlovi...
Страница 29: ...el to that btt_m s Sttff fist Up to ten charmels pe_ button c_m be stored Repeat steps 1 fltrough 3 to add additiorttd charmels up to 10 to each of the rite SURF lists To remove a chmmel from oite of file SURF lists 4 Press the COLORED QuadraSurf TM button until the desired channel appe _rs The scTeen will display the chamlel rlmnber with a co o_ed Strfiley face to indicate file Co ored butt_m _tr...
Страница 30: ...ce w fl_ the first ping camped chtume for that sttrf fist 2 3 While the colored srailey face still appe_ll_ On the _Fl_lnl_ pr _s tfie SaIl _ COLORF D buiton on the remote to tune the second clu_atel ping camped for flint specific sttff fist Repeatedly pressing the same COL ORED button while fire stuffer face appears will ttme all the wogr_n_ed cfiarmeJs for that specJtic stwf list After the l_st ...
Страница 31: ... facing up and die disc is centered in die tray Press file EJECT button on the remote control or file EJECT btttton on file TV t_ close file disc t_y The on screee display wi l indicate that fire DVD Player is reading fire disc Then playbtmk of the disc wi l begin aatomafictdly Note It the Child Lock option is set m ON within the User Preference Settings section file 4 digit access code must be en...
Страница 32: ...tton to resmne playback MUTE button Press to mute the sounfl coining t_om the T r spe _e_ Press again m restore the sounfl at its previous voltune eve _ EJECT button Wiflt flte TV on press to p ace the _tnit in flte DVD operafionM mode and open the disc tray Press again to c ose the disc tray MENU OSD button Press to display flte onscreen DVD meeu options _ bqtenthe menu is displayed press m remov...
Страница 33: ... Options outline at the betmm of this page Repeatedly pressing file SYSTEM MENU OSD button while fits on screen menu is displayed will remove the menu from fl_eTV screen 11l _qlen the X icon appears on file TV screen it means the fanction carmot be preformed or is not an available option for that disc ff the HELP LINE feature is set m ON information shoat fits statas window can be displayed m help...
Страница 34: ...ig flighted Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to move fire puck to the _ight highlighting the work Language Press the CURSOR DOWN button to hig_flight either the Default Audio or Default Sub Title cortm_ Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to gairt access to fire highlighted _x_rttrol s optiorts 6 Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN but tons to sc_ l file Ust of available lan guages Choose fixml English Espafiol I ...
Страница 35: ... s options Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN buttons m scroll file list of available langttages Choose fram PAL NTSC or AUTO PAL Select fltis option if fire connect ed t_ a PAL sys_m It will change the video signal of a NTSC disc and output in PAL format _ Select this option if comtected to a NTSC system It will chmtge the video signal of a PAL disc VCD only and output in NTSC format _ Select this if co...
Страница 36: ...he CURSOR DOWN button to hig_flight the Digital Output control Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to gain access to rite highlighted contro s options 6 Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN buttons to scax_ lfile list of avaiJable languages Choose t rom PCM Only_ All or Off _ SeJect th_soption ff your receiver is not capable of decoding Mu fi chamte audio All Select th_s option if connected to a mu ti chmtne dec...
Страница 37: ...3 Press the CURSOR DOWN button tutti the word Setup is hig flighted Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to move the puck to rite right highlighting fire word Features 4 5 6 7 Press the CURSOR DOWN button to highlight rite PBC control Press the CURSOR RIGHT bl_tton m se ect On or Off Press file OK button m select or acti V_t_ rite chosell option Press file SYSTEM MENU OSD bBttolI _0 cle l file Oll scTeel...
Страница 38: ...fire CURSOR RIGHT to toggle the conm_ On or Oft to block v_ew of certain discs 9 I0 Press file OK button to select or acti vate rite chosen option Press file SYSTEM MENU OSD button to clear the Oli _Teen TIlelIU fK TI1file TV screen I I littlillltlalilD I _ ossamalae lllllD 10uitallllllo m 8 mllllssillD IOJMmlID I lummatlltm R _tal I vel Ralings I to 8 If yo_ _et a _ting rc_ thepLay_ all sc_e_ wff...
Страница 39: ...l C lerlU Press file CURSOR DOWN buttoit until the word Preferences is highlight ed Press file CURSOR RIGHT burton V move file puck to fireright highlighting fire word Somtd Press file CURSOR DOWN buttott to highlight fire Night Mode con0vol Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to t_ggle flt_ Night Mode control On or Off _ _ This setting will soften fire dynam ics of rite sound outpuL _ _q when the Night...
Страница 40: ...ht eiflter fire Help Line or Status Window conrail 5 Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to toggle fire selected control On or Off ON Will display a srnaU window at fire lmtVam of the screen with sugges tions to help navigate fire ouscreen inenu OFF The Help Line will not appear when fire onsereen menu is displayed on scTeen Status Window ON Will display current disc status and time OFF The Status Windo...
Страница 41: ... DOWN button to big flight the Disc Navigation Audio or Sub rifle corttro 4 Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to gain access to file highlighted corltrol s options _ Search fire dlse by tire tuld chap_r _ Use to set the audio language from a list of awtilable choices _ Use a_ set fire sub title lan guage from a list of available choices Press the CURSOR UPor DOWN buttons to scroll trod highlight fire ...
Страница 42: ...l to view the picture fifll screell Other Slide Show option Pic Time Press the SYSTEM MEN U OSD but ton to display rite onscreen menu Toolbar will be highligh_d Press the CURSOR RIGHT button until the words Shde Show are high lighted Press the CURSOR DOWN button to hig flight Pic Time corttral _ Will control file length of time the picture is displayed With INc Time highlighted press the Cursor Ri...
Страница 43: ... sub memt flten the _rsor Up or Down to select desired angle new camera angle will appear on the s_Teen Zoom Press the C_lrsor Right to acti w_te fltelt use rite _trsor butmlts m select an area to zoom Press the OK button repeatedly to zoom 2x 4x 8x or to return to lx pictmre size Chanter Preview Use rant Chapter Preview On or Off Wherl On disc will preview all awtilable chapters _ It available on...
Страница 44: ... options _ Se_ch the disc by entering a desired time based on playback time Use fire Numbared bttttons to enter the time useO e l l o bat ns scan fire disc at 4 8 or 32 times speed forward or 4 8 or 32 times speed backward _ Use fire _ or _ buttons m scan fire disc at 1 8 1 4 1 2 or 1 times speed forward or 1 8 1 4 1 2 or 1 times speed backward Frame by Frame Use fire _ or _l_l_ buttons to se_ch t...
Страница 45: ...le Play list press the button to t_ggle the Progn_n function On or Off _ Use fire button to display a list of avNlable Tracks wess the button agNn to display a list of avail able Chaptem With a track or chapter highlighted press the OK bu_m to add fire selection m the Play lisL P_ Press the button m display file current Play lisL Use the Ik or V buttons to scroll file play list and press OK to sta...
Страница 46: ...ress the red AUDIO bz_tton on fl_e re_o_ contrail to display the on s_en Audio _entt 2 3 Pcess file A or V button to sc_ l file avai able ltulguage optiorls Pcess file OK button m corlflrm file _ ectJoll aJld ve Tt_ove file Tt_e ilu bar from the T_ r s_Te erl Audlols heard in the_lect_dlag u_uag 46 ...
Страница 47: ... control to display the on _reen Sub title _enu Press the A or V button to scroll the awtilable sub title language options or the option none Press the OK button to corn_irln the selectiorl ttrld l emove the mellU bar from the TV screen _qlell none is tile selection no sub title wi l appear on file screen during the playback of a disc Sub tie will appear at the Ix_C_om oft_e screen in the selected...
Страница 48: ..._ m tlr_n the selection Off Press the REPEAT bu_m a fi _ttrt h time OFF will appear oll file screen Pa e ss OK to confirm the selection trod turn the Repeat Sexluenee off We Repeat A_B button on the twmote control ill allow you to program the playback of certain lengths of Titles or Tracks on the disc I 2 Daring the playback of a disc press the yellow REPEAT A B bulton on the relnote COlIN_ R sele...
Страница 49: ...s the CURSOR LEFT or RIGHT button m scroll fire awdlable channels tmtil fire word DVD appe_ws b If olavltt_ a DVD press the CUR SOR LEFT or RIGHT button t_ scroll fire available channels tmtil fire words BOOKMARK DND appears Press the OK button m store rite selec tion If DVD is selected and a Timer Sexluence active refer m page 13 when the T r powers itself on it will automatically ttme m the DVD ...
Страница 50: ...Y button on file remote control when the Audio CD menu appears to beg_n p ayback on Track 1 Press file Aikor V buttons to sc_xfll fltmugh fire other available tracks on fire disc m begin playback of that selected track When firfished press the STOP button on the remote control t_ st_p file play back of fire disc Press file EJECT button on the mmo_ control R _remove the disc from dte disc tray Note...
Страница 51: ...nary or lett_rbox images on screen for extended periods oftlme This can cause uneven plcture tube aging Normal use of fire TV should involve fire showing of pictures firm contain constmttly moving and changing images that fill fire screen Be careful not t_ leave nomarwing images on screen for extcnded periods of time or to display fire same images on screen too frequently because subtle ghost imag...
Страница 52: ...up to 0 channels each Rernot e Sensor Window A window or opening found on fire Television conm l panel through which infrared remote con m command signals are reoeived Side Audio Video Inputs Located on fire side of fire Tar these cormecto_ phono t3q_e plug are used for the input of audio and video signMs Designed for easy use with VCRs or c _neras Surf The action of scanning specific chmmel in a ...
Страница 53: ...n Active Control 24 Alternate Channel 29 AutoLock TM Access Code 17 Block All Control 20 Block Channels Control 18 Blocking Options 23 Clear All Control 19 Explanation of Auto Lock 16 Movie Rating Control 21 TV Rating Control 22 AutoPicture TM Control 27 AutoProgram TM Control 9 AutoSound rMControl 28 AVL Control 12 Balance Control 12 Bass Boost Control 12 Brightness Control 11 Care and Cleaning 5...
Страница 54: ...suffiradepresenter unepreuved achatpourb_ndficier d un servicesansfrais Pourlesproduitsnoncouvertsparlagarantie con tactezlecentre epluspros de chezvous NOTA SiUd resideenunadenuestraszonasparasucursales Philips deservicioaldef_brica verdirectoriom_sabajo Ud puede comunicarse con lasucursa deserviciom_scercana paraobtenerunareparaci6n oportunay eficazdesu producto Si su producto est_todaviabajogar...
Страница 55: ...ARACIONES COMUNICARSE CONELCENTRODESERVICIODEFABR CA MASCERCARO PARAESTOSLUGARES DENTRO DEUN RADIODE80 A t20 NM 50 A75 MILLAS DELCENTRODESERVICIOLOCAL ATLANTA Philips FactoryService 550 FranklinRoad Suite F Marietta GA30067 800 273 1501 TAMPA Philips FactoryService 1911 US Highway 301 North Suite 100 Tampa FL33619 800 442 2027 SANFRANCISCO Philips FactoryService 681 EastBrokaw Rd SanJose CA 95112 ...
Страница 56: ...righted or not copyrighted a product used for commercial or institutional purposes WHERE IS SERVICE AVAILABLE MAKE SURE YOU KEEP Please keep your sales receipt or other document showing proof of purchase Attach it to this owner s manualand keep both nearby Also keep the original box and packing material in caseyou need to return your product BEFORE REQUESTING SERVICE Pleasecheck your owner s manua...
Страница 57: ...r TV DVD remote controller 5 disc resume play Features Side stereo AV inputs and headphone jack Rear stereo AV inputs outputs S Video and CVI Digital comb filter for fine picture detail 20 watt audio with Incredible Surround T Optional TC3OPV2 matching stand AutoFeaturePak AutoPicture TM AutoSound T AutoMute TM AutoLock T _0 _O Show_ _bove w_aho_ _nal nl_tchirk_T C_Oi_J 2stand ...
Страница 58: ... Event On Off 240 minute Sleep Timer Closed Caption viewing This televislon receiver provides display of television closed captioning inaccordance with 15_9 of the FCC roles Optional TC30PV2 television stand Provides the ideal solution to TV and accessoryplacement with an emphasis on high design and safety Sound Quality 20 watt Stereo Sound system Receives stereo broadcasts for high power performa...
Страница 59: ...red buttons AUDIO Button DVD Press to display the Audio menu when the DVD player is active REPEAT Button DVD When using the DVD player press to repeat the playback of a chapter title track or the disc SMART SOUND Button Press repeatedly to choose from different factor pre defined sound settings Choose from Personal how you set the Sound Menu options Voice for programming with speaking Music for mu...
Страница 60: ...Connect the open end of the round Cable Company sup plied cable to the cable signal IN put plug on the back of the Cable Box Using a RCA type Video Cable connect one end of the cable to the Video or ANT your cable box may be labeled differently Out jack on the cable box and the other end to the AVI Video Input on the TV Using a RCA type Audio Left and Right Cable connect one end to the left and ri...
Страница 61: ... R L AUDIO OUT VIDEO OUT BACK OF TV S VIDEO VIDEO IN YELLOW VCR TWO toraccessor EQUIPPED WITH VIDE AUDIO OUTPUT JACKS Component Video inputs provide for the highest possible color and picture resolution in the playback of digital signal source material such as with DVD players The color difference signals Pb Pr and the luminance Y signal are connected and received separately which allows fi r impr...
Страница 62: ...et the audio sys tem s volume m a m_ntd listcning level Turn the TV and audio system ON You can tow adjust fire sound level coming from rite audio sys_m with the VOLUME or button on fire TV or remote control For Second VCR Connection Recorder NOTE Refer m page 9 for rite proper hookxtp of the first VCR Follow the instructions on how m ttme to fire AV 1 chmnte to view a pre recorded tape The follow...