Besides the software authored by the product developer (PFU Limited), this product contains open source
software created by third parties. For details concerning the conditions of the licenses for the open source
software, refer to the window that appears by clicking [About] in the left menu in the administrator window
(on the web) of EdgeXperience Capture Service.
EdgeXperience and PaperStream are registered trademarks or trademarks of PFU Limited in Japan.
Other company names and product names are the registered trademarks or trademarks of the respective
PFU Limited
YOKOHAMA i-MARK PLACE, 4-4-5 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 220-8567, Japan
© PFU Limited 2021
Use in High-Safety Applications
This product has been designed and manufactured on the assumption that it will be used in office, personal,
domestic, regular industrial, and general-purpose applications. It has not been designed and manufactured for
use in applications (simply called "high-safety applications" from here on) that directly involve danger to life
and health when a high degree of safety is required, for example, in the control of nuclear reactions at nuclear
power facilities, automatic flight control of aircraft, air traffic control, operation control in mass-transport
systems, medical equipment for sustaining life, and missile firing control in weapons systems, and when
provisionally the safety in question is not ensured. The user should use this product with adopting measures
for ensuring safety in such high-safety applications. PFU Limited assumes no liability whatsoever for damages
arising from use of this product by the user in high-safety applications, and for any claims or compensation for
damages by the user or a third party.
Abbreviations Used in This Manual
The following abbreviations are used in this manual.
Active Directory
Azure AD
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
PFU Limited assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this
product, and any claims by a third party.
Copying of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, as well as the scanner applications is prohibited
under the copyright law.
Issue date: June 2021
Issued by: PFU Limited