PFT levelling pin / Safety, overview, operation and service
General information Unauthorised individuals
Danger for unauthorised personnel!
Unauthorised individuals who do not fulfil the require-
ments here are not fully aware of the dangers in the work
Keep unauthorised persons away from the working
When in doubt, speak to the persons and escort them
out of the working area.
Discontinue working until the unauthorised persons
leave the work area.
Personal protective equipment
Wear protective gear is necessary while working in order to minimise
health risks.
Always wear the protective equipment required for the work in
question during work.
Observe signs for personal protective equipment in the work area.
Wear in principle
In principle, for all kinds of work, wear:
Protective clothing
Is tightly fitting clothing with low tear strength, with narrow sleeves and
without parts sticking out. It mainly helps to protect from getting stuck
into moving machine parts.
Do not wear any rings, chains and other jewellery.
Safety shoes
To protect from heavy parts that may fall and from slippery floors.
Protective goggles
To protect your the eyes against flying parts and liquid splashes.
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