Section 5 |
P 414 352 9000
F 414 352 9002
6720 N. Teutonia Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53209
PFlow Industries, Inc. has incorporated, as well as created, a number of
unique descriptions, names, and terminology for parts, components, and
devices included in the Vertical Reciprocating Conveyor (VRC). This glossary
includes these unique terms and other common terms to help understand
this manual and the information it contains. In addition, the glossary will aid
the user in communicating the correct information during troubleshooting
and service situations. Although the wording and descriptions may sound
familiar to the person who has read the manual, other terms and descriptions
might not. It is recommended by PFlow Industries, Inc. that this glossary be
reviewed before reading the remainder of this manual.
A fast-drying enamel paint, color-mixed per the customer’s request, and
applied using standard methods as specified by the paint manufacturer.
American National Standards Institute: www.ansi.org
American Society of Mechanical Engineers: www.asme.org
Trained or qualified personnel approved to perform a specific duty or duties.
The vertical portions of the carriage on a cantilever VRC, typically a series D
vertical support mast.
Also known as a Mezzanine roll-off panel, this is a panel that is installed
opposite the loading edge at upper loading levels of a VRC platform that does
not penetrate a floor. The backstop panel helps protect personnel and/or
products from falling off the platform when loading or unloading. This term
should not be confused with the term “backstop” as defined in ASME B20.1.
As defined by ASME B20.1; A mechanical device to prevent reversal of a loaded
conveyor under action of gravity when forward travel is interrupted.
A bi-panel vertical acting gate.
A style of VRC where the carriage rides along the guide columns that are
located on the same side of the carriage. This style lift can accommodate
loading on three sides; right, front, and left.
The maximum load for which the VRC is designed.
The entire structural assembly that travels on the guide columns and carries
the load.
A gate that is mounted directly on the carriage deck.
Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association: www.cemanet.org
See Drive chain, Lift chain and Roller chain.
Unique Descriptions
and Names
Alkyd paint
Authorized person
Backstop panel
Carriage gate