12 Accessories
Further detailed accessories are contained in the Pfeiffer Vacuum printed or Online Cat-
DUO 20 M
STP 025, dust separator, single-stage for minor contamination
PK Z60 206
STR 025, dust separator, dual-stage for medium contamination
PK Z60 106
SAS 25, DN 25 ISO-KF, polyester filter
PK Z60 508
KAS 25 L, condensate separator for pumping speeds of up to 20 m
PK Z10 033
ONF 25 L, oil mist filter for pumping speeds of up to 30 m
PK Z40 158
Oil return unit from ONF 16 to DUO 5 M, from ONF 25 to DUO 10 M, from ONF 25
L to DUO 20 M, standard version
PK 196 172 -T
ZFO 025, zeolite trap
PK Z70 006
FAK 025, activated carbon filter
PK Z30 006
KLF 025, cold trap
PK Z80 006
URB 025, catalytic trap, 230 V
PT U10 760
URB 025, catalytic trap, 115 V
PT U10 761
Operations monitoring - oil pressure switch
PK 196 484 -T
Barretter actuation unit 3TF
P 4768 051 FQ
Operations monitoring unit 3 - operating fluid level, operating fluid temperature, ex-
haust pressure
PK 196 141 -T
Operations monitoring unit 1 - operating fluid level
PK 196 157 -T
P3, mineral oil, 1 l
PK 001 106 -T
P3, mineral oil, 5 l
PK 001 107 -T
P3, mineral oil, 20 l
PK 001 108 -T
ONF 025 C, oil mist filter, corrosive gas version, DUO 10 MC, 20 MC
PK Z40 406
Oil return unit from ONF 025 C to DUO 5 MC, oil return unit from ONF 025 C to
DUO 10 MC, oil return unit from ONF 025 C to DUO 20 MC, corrosive gas version
PK 196 177 -T
Operations monitoring - oil pressure switch
PK 196 484 -T
Barretter actuation unit 3TF
P 4768 051 FQ
Operations monitoring unit 3 - operating fluid level, operating fluid temperature, ex-
haust pressure
PK 196 141 -T
Operations monitoring unit 1 - operating fluid level
PK 196 157 -T
F4, Perfluorpolyether, 0.25 l
PK 005 885 -T
F4, Perfluorpolyether, 0.5 l
PK 005 886 -T
F4, Perfluorpolyether, 1 l
PK 005 887 -T