Maintenance / replacement
Maintenance / replacement
Maintenance intervals and responsibilities
Clean the turbopump externally with a lint-free cloth and little industrial alcohol.
Replace the operating fluid reservoir and electronic drive unit yourself.
Change the operating fluid reservoir at least every 4 years.
Change the turbopump bearing at least every 4 years.
– Contact Pfeiffer Vacuum Service.
Clarify shorter maintenance intervals for extreme loads or impure processes with Pfei-
ffer Vacuum Service.
For all other cleaning, maintenance or repair work, please contact your Pfeiffer Vacu-
um service location.
Replacing the operating fluid reservoir
Turn off the vacuum pump, vent to atmospheric pressure and allow to cool, if neces-
Remove the vacuum pump from the system, if necessary.
Close the flange openings by using the original protective covers.
Turn the turbopump over onto the closed high vacuum flange.
Contamination of parts and operating fluid by pumped media is possible.
Poisoning hazard through contact with materials that damage health.
In the case of contamination, carry out appropriate safety precautions in order to pre-
vent danger to health through dangerous substances.
Decontaminate affected parts before carrying out maintenance work.
Disclaimer of liability
Pfeiffer Vacuum accepts no liability for personal injury or material damage, losses or
operating malfunctions due to improperly performed maintenance. The liability and war-
ranty entitlement expires.
Poisoning hazard through contact with materials that damage health.
The operating fluid reservoir and parts of the pump may contain toxic substances from
the pumped media.
Dispose of operating fluid reservoir in accordance with the applicable regulations. Sa-
fety data sheet on request or under www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com
Prevent health hazards or environmental damage due to contamination by means of
appropriate safety precautions.
Decontaminate affected parts before carrying out maintenance work.
Operating fluid filling
The operating fluid reservoir is sufficiently filled with operating fluid.
Do not add additional operating fluid.