Petersen Products 128 Series
Inserting the Plug
Inserting the Plug
The Inflation Ram may rise until the centering guide contacts the packing seal.
Open the Tapping Valve.
Inspect the Gauge Pressure. Inspect the Head Pressure on the Gauge on the Packing Seal. If the Pipeline is filled with water,
add 0.433 psi per foot the Gauge is above the Pipeline invert.
: The actual head pressure should not be greater than half the rating of the Plug.
Use the Rachet Assembly to lower the Inflation Ram and Plug into the pipe. Loosen the Stop Collar that is against the
Packing Seal to allow the Line Stop Plug to lower down into the pipe.
The Insertion System can be attached in two methods:
If height clearance is sufficent, insert the Ram in one increment.
If height restriction is an issue, use an Initial Stop Collar and insert the Ram in multiple increments.
If the Inflation Ram is already fully assembled lower the untill the Main Stop Collar reaches the Packing Seal. Use O-Ring
lubricant if needed. Skip to Step 5.
: Maintain correct plug orientation during insertion.
Tapping Valve
Packing Seal
Main Stop Collar
Rachet Puller