Thank you for choosing Pessl Instruments GmbH iMETOS CropVIEW®
for Remote Crop Image Monitoring. iMETOS CropVIEW® has been de-
signed to periodically take high-resolution photos of the farmland.
Photos are automatically uploaded to the FieldClimate platform with-
out the need of any user intervention, thus allowing a continuous crop
quality and yield control.
The high-resolution pictures enable checking seeds for germination,
monitoring the effect of fertilizers or pesticides on crop development,
and help decide whether a disease or pest already threatens profita
bility. iMETOS CropVIEW® is the result of the combination of years of
experience and “state of the art” technology.
iMETOS CropVIEW® features:
• 10 Megapixel resolution images.
• Embedded GPS location.
• Easy installation.
• Firmware upgrade “over the air”.
• Cloud Data Storage.
• Time series of pictures stored for further analysis.
• Personalized web interface.
Version 1.0, 05-2018
Pessl Instruments GmbH
Werksweg 107, 8160 Weiz, Austria
+43 317 255 21