Thank you for choosing an iMETOS station for monitoring your agrome-
teorological and other environmental needs. The iMETOS 3.3 has been
designed to monitor data with a wide variety of sensor sets. Like all
products of the iMETOS family, it measures, logs and sends data to the
FieldClimate cloud. The users have free access to data through web and
mobile applications. Additional services (like plant disease models and
hyper localized weather forecasts) are available upon a license fee. Web
API is available for interface with other custom applications.
iMETOS 3.3 systems will be mainly used for:
• Meteorological monitoring.
Site Specific weather forecast corrected with local measurements.
• Frost warnings via SMS.
Plant disease models (depending on the configuration of
the equipment).
• Soil moisture and irrigation systems monitoring.
• Crop monitoring.
Hydrology and flood warning applications.
• Environmental monitoring.
iMETOS 3.3
Version 1.1, 01-2020
Pessl Instruments GmbH
Werksweg 107, 8160 Weiz, Austria
+43 317 255 21