The engine lubricating oil is cooled and the engine
lubricating oil is filtered.
Engine Service Life
Engine efficiency and maximum utilization of engine
performance depend on the adherence to proper
operation and maintenance recommendations. In
addition, use recommended fuels, coolants, and
lubricants. Use the Operation and Maintenance
Manual as a guide for required engine maintenance.
Aftertreatment System
The aftertreatment system is approved for use by
Perkins. In order to be emission-compliant only the
approved Perkins aftertreatment system must be
used on a Perkins engine.
The aftertreatment system is Diesel Oxidation
Catalyst (DOC) and Selective Catalytic Reduction
(SCR), with Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) injection.
The engine is connected by a flexible pipe to the
aftertreatment. The exhaust gases pass through the
DOC and then the mixer where the gases are mixed
with the injected urea. The mixture then enters the
SCR catalyst. Here the NOx in the exhaust reacts
with the ammonia from the injected urea to split the
gases into nitrogen and oxygen constituents. The
SCR catalyst includes an ammonia oxidation section
to clean up any remaining ammonia before the gases
exit the system.
Aftertreatment Configuration
The engine can be configured with a top mounted
aftertreatment or an aftertreatment mounted across
the rear of the engine.
Aftermarket Products and Perkins
Perkins does not warrant the quality or performance
of non-Perkins fluids and filters.
When auxiliary devices, accessories, or
consumables (filters, additives, catalysts,) which are
made by other manufacturers are used on Perkins
products, the Perkins warranty is not affected simply
because of such use.
However, failures that result from the installation
or use of other manufacturers devices,
accessories, or consumables are NOT Perkins
defects. Therefore, the defects are NOT covered
under the Perkins warranty.