User’s Handbook, TSL 4230, Issue 4
How to care for your engine
This handbook has been written to assist you to maintain and operate your engine correctly, and to carry out
routine servicing of the engine.
The instructions contained in this handbook will, provided that they are correctly carried out, ensure the safe
operation of the equipment.
Before undertaking any work on the engine the relevant chapter in the Workshop Manual should be read and
fully understood.
The information contained within this handbook is based on such information as was available at the time of
print. In line with Perkins Engines Company Limited, Stafford policy of continual development and
improvement that information may change at any time without notice. The engine user should therefore ensure
that he has the latest information before starting work.
Users are respectfully advised that it is their responsibility to employ competent persons to operate the
equipment in the interest of safety.
Operators who are not equipped to undertake major repairs are urged to consult their Perkins distributor.
When not working on the engine, ensure that all covers, blank flanges, doors, etc., are refitted to openings to
prevent the ingress of dirt, etc.
Please quote the engine type and serial number with all your enquiries, see "Engine identification" on page 10.
If any doubt exists regarding the installation, use or application of the engine, the Installation Manual should
be consulted. For further advice contact the Applications Department at Perkins Engines Company Limited,
To obtain the best performance and the longest life from your engine, you must ensure that the maintenance
operations are done at the intervals indicated in the "Service schedule" on page 22. If the engine works in a
very dusty environment or other adverse conditions, certain maintenance intervals will have to be reduced.
Oil change intervals may be changed according to operating experience by agreement with Perkins Engines
Company Limited and subject to oil analysis being performed at regular intervals. Refer to "Oil and filter change
programme" on page 42.
Ensure that all adjustments and repairs are done by personnel who have had the correct training. Perkins
distributors have this type of personnel available. You can also obtain parts and service from your Perkins
Note: Where reference is made to ‘A’ and ‘B’ banks of cylinders: ‘A’ bank is to the left and ‘B’ bank is to the
right when viewed from the front of the engine, the crankshaft damper/turbocharger end.
Caution: Do not use mobile phones within 2 meters of the engine as the transmitted signal can affect the
electronic management system of the engine.
This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale