Aftermarket Fuel Additives
Perkins does not warrant the quality or performance
of non-Perkins fluids and filters.
When auxiliary devices, accessories, or consum-
ables (filters, additives) which are made by other
manufacturers are used on Perkins products, the
Perkins warranty is not affected simply because of
such use.
However, failures that result from the installation
or use of other manufacturers devices, accesso-
ries, or consumables are NOT Perkins defects.
Therefore, the defects are NOT covered under the
Perkins warranty.
Supplemental diesel fuel additives are not generally
recommended, This recommendation is due to
potential damage to the fuel system or the engine.
Perkins recognizes the fact that additives may be
required in some special circumstances. Fuel
additives must be used with caution. Contact your
fuel supplier for those circumstances when fuel
additives are required. Your fuel supplier can
recommend the appropriate fuel additive and the
correct level of treatment.
For the best results, your fuel supplier should
treat the fuel when additives are required. The
treated fuel must meet the requirements that are
stated in table 13 .
Perkins Diesel Fuel System Cleaner
Perkins T400012 Fuel Cleaner is the only fuel
cleaner that is recommended by Perkins.
Perkins Diesel Fuel Cleaner (part number T400012)
is the only fuel cleaner that is recommended by
If biodiesel or biodiesel blends of fuel are to be used,
Perkins require the use of Perkins fuel cleaner. For
more information on the use of biodiesel and
biodiesel blends refer to “Biodiesel Fuel”.
Perkins fuel cleaner will remove deposits that can
form in the fuel system with the use of biodiesel and
biodiesel blends. These deposits can create a loss of
power and engine performance.
Once the fuel cleaner has been added to the fuel, the
deposits within the fuel system are removed after 30
hours of engine operation. For maximum results,
continue to use the fuel cleaner for up to 80 hours.
Perkins fuel cleaner can be used on an on-going
basis with no adverse impact on engine or fuel
system durability.
Detailed instructions on the rate of which the fuel
cleaner must be use are on the container.
Perkins Diesel Fuel Conditioner
Perkins Diesel Fuel Conditioner (part number
U5MK8276) can be used in these engine models.
The diesel fuel conditioner is a proprietary metal and
ash free formulation that has been extensively tested
for use with distillate diesel fuels for use in Perkins
diesel engines. The diesel fuel conditioner helps
address many of the challenges that various fuels
worldwide present with regard to fuel life/stability,
engine startability, injector deposits, fuel system life,
and long-term engine performance. Contact a
Perkins distributor for more information.
Diesel fuel additives/conditioners may not
improve markedly poor diesel fuel properties enough
to make poor diesel acceptable for use.
Diesel fuel conditioner is a proven high performance,
multipurpose diesel fuel conditioner that is designed
to improve:
• Fuel economy (through fuel system clean-up)
• Lubricity
• Oxidation stability
• Detergency/dispersancy
• Moisture dispersancy
• Corrosion protection
• Cetane (typically 2-3 cetane numbers)
The diesel fuel conditioner also reduces the
formation of gums, resins, and sludge, and disperses
insoluble gums.
For maximum overall benefits, ask your fuel supplier
to add the fuel conditioner at the recommended treat
rate before fuel delivery. Or you may add the fuel
conditioner at the recommended treat rate during the
early weeks of fuel storage.
Contamination Control
Recommendations for Fuels
Fuels of “ISO 18/16/13” cleanliness level or cleaner
as dispensed into the engine or application fuel tank
should be used. This standard of will reduce risk of
power loss, fuel system failures, and related down
time of engines. This cleanliness level is important for
unit injector fuel system. The fuel system utilizes
higher fuel injection pressures and have tight
clearances between moving parts to meet required
stringent emissions regulations. As a result, particle
contaminants as small as 4 µm can cause scoring
and scratching of internal pump and injector surfaces
and of injector nozzles.