Illustration 22
Serial number plate
The following information is stamped on the serial
number plate: engine serial number, engine model,
and arrangement number.
The engine information plate is located toward the
rear of the valve cover. The engine information plate
may be read from the right side of the engine.
Illustration 23
Typical example
(2) Engine information plate
The following information is on the information plate:
Engine serial number, engine model, engine
arrangement number, maximum altitude of the
engine that is necessary to achieve the rated power,
horsepower, high idle, full load rpm, fuel settings, and
other information
The Clean Emission Module (CEM) identification
plate is on the bracket assembly on the CEM.
Illustration 24
Typical example
(3) CEM Identification plate
Illustration 25
CEM identification plate
The Clean Emission Module (CEM) identification
plate contains the following information: part number,
serial number, change level, and configuration ID
code. This information may be needed by the Perkins
distributor when inquiries are being made on the
Pump Tank Unit (PTU)
Some applications may not have a diesel
exhaust fluid tank installed into to the electronic unit.
Product Information Section
Plate Locations and Film Locations