SCR Maintenance:
Regeneration is performed to
maintain the SCR system.
Regeneration System Warning
Illustration 67
The DPF Indicator will illuminate solid when
regeneration is required. Regeneration should be
performed as soon as possible.
In some situations, the DPF indicator may stay
illuminated after regeneration ends. The illuminated
DPF indicator indicates that complete regeneration
been performed. Complete regeneration is
when the soot has been depleted or all the criteria for
one of the other regeneration types have been met. If
the DPF indicator stays illuminated, perform
regeneration without interruption. The DPF indicator
will shut off when regeneration is complete.
If the soot load is above a threshold or sulfur is high,
then regeneration is required. The DPF indicator will
illuminate and flash slowly.
Illustration 68
Once the amount of soot or sulfur has exceeded a
higher threshold, the DPF indicator will flash at a fast
rate, and the Check Engine Lamp (CEL) will
Illustration 69
Once the amount of soot or sulfur collected reaches a
critical threshold level, the flashing action indicator
will illuminate in addition to the DPF indicator and
CEL. 5 minutes after reaching the critical level, the
engine will go to low idle. Three minutes after going
to low idle, the engine will shut down. A key cycle will
allow the engine to start again, but will again go to
low idle after 5 minutes, and shutdown 3 minutes
Once the amount of soot reaches an even more
critical threshold level, the regeneration will be locked
out. This only occurs for high soot. Regeneration will
not be locked out for high sulfur. When the lock out
occurs, regeneration can only be done through the
electronic service tool by an authorized Perkins
distributor. The engine may be restarted, but will only
run for 3 minutes before shutting down again.
A fault code will be active for any DPF system-related
issue. Follow the troubleshooting guide to rectify the
If the DPF loses function, or is tampered with in any
way, the check engine lamp, and an amber action
lamp (if equipped) will illuminate. A fault code will
also annunciate. The lamps and fault code will
remain active until the problem is rectified.