• Torque rise shaping
• Injection timing control
• System diagnostics
• Aftertreatment Regeneration
For more information on electronic engine features,
refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Features and Controls” topic (Operation Section).
Engine Diagnostics
The engine has built-in diagnostics in order to ensure
that the engine systems are functioning correctly. The
operator will be alerted to the condition by a
Stop or
lamp. Under certain conditions, the engine
horsepower and the vehicle speed may be limited.
The electronic service tool may be used to display
the diagnostic codes.
There are three types of diagnostic codes: active,
logged and event.
Most of the diagnostic codes are logged and stored in
the ECM. For additional information, refer to the
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine
Diagnostics” topic (Operation Section).
The ECM provides an electronic governor that
controls the injector output in order to maintain the
desired engine rpm.
Engine Cooling and Lubrication
The cooling system and lubrication system consists
of the following components:
• Gear-driven centrifugal water pump
• Water temperature regulator which regulates the
engine coolant temperature
• Gear-driven rotor type oil pump
• Oil cooler
The engine lubricating oil is supplied by a rotor type
oil pump. The engine lubricating oil is cooled and the
engine lubricating oil is filtered. The bypass valve can
provide unrestricted flow of lubrication oil to the
engine if the oil filter element should become
Engine efficiency, efficiency of emission controls, and
engine performance depend on adherence to proper
operation and maintenance recommendations.
Engine performance and efficiency also depend on
the use of recommended fuels, lubrication oils, and
coolants. Refer to this Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Maintenance Interval Schedule” for more
information on maintenance items.
Engine Service Life
Engine efficiency and maximum utilization of engine
performance depend on the adherence to proper
operation and maintenance recommendations. In
addition, use recommended fuels, coolants and
lubricants. Use the Operation and Maintenance
Manual as a guide for required engine maintenance.
Expected engine life is generally predicted by the
average power that is demanded. The average
power that is demanded is based on fuel
consumption of the engine over a period of time.
Reduced hours of operation at full throttle and/or
operating at reduced throttle settings result in a lower
average power demand. Reduced hours of operation
will increase the length of operating time before an
engine overhaul is required.
Aftermarket Products and Perkins
Perkins does not warrant the quality or performance
of non-Perkins fluids and filters.
When auxiliary devices, accessories, or
consumables (filters, additives, catalysts,) which are
made by other manufacturers are used on Perkins
products, the Perkins warranty is not affected simply
because of such use.
However, failures that result from the installation
or use of other manufacturers devices,
accessories, or consumables are NOT Perkins
defects. Therefore, the defects are NOT covered
under the Perkins warranty.
Aftertreatment System
The aftertreatment system is approved for use by
Perkins. In order to be emission-compliant only the
approved Perkins aftertreatment system must be
used on a Perkins engine.