How-to Document
PePWave Surf/PolePoint Outdoor Installation Guide
Surf/PolePoint Outdoor Installation Guide
Copyright © 2007 PePWave Ltd.
P e P W a v e S u r f / P o l e P o i n t O u t d o o r I n s t a l l a t i o n G u i d e
PePWave Surf SF-200BG-X, SF-400BG-X, SF-UP9-X & PolePoint PP-400BG-X
This document serves as the guide to installing the following products:
PePWave Surf Outdoor (Models SF-200BG-X, SF-400BG-X, SF-UP9-X)
PePWave PolePoint Outdoor (Model PP-400BG-X)
LAN/WAN Compatibility:
PePWave Surf/PolePoint Outdoor supports
Power over Ethernet:
Each PePWave Surf/PolePoint Outdoor unit is
powered through an RJ-45 network cable using Power over Ethernet
Users need to supply power to Surf/PolePoint Outdoor via the specified
Power over Ethernet 802.3af
Compatible Power over Ethernet units can be obtained from PePWave.
Outdoor Network Cable & RJ-45 Cable Head:
PePWave Surf/PolePoint
Outdoor should be connected to a network via an outdoor RJ-45 network
PePWave Surf/PolePoint Outdoor units use N-type antenna(s).
For models PP-400BG-X, SF-200BG-X and SF-400BG-X, users should attach
2.4Ghz N-type antennas
, where for model SF-UP9-X,
900Mhz N-type
should be attached.
Compatible antennas can be obtained through PePWave.
Ring terminal for grounding cable:
PePWave Surf/PolePoint Outdoor
units may be further protected by using a grounding cable.
A ring terminal for grounding cable is included in the packages for PePWave
Surf/PolePoint Outdoor units.